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How to use weights to manually predict data in neural network with keras

I've done my best to follow online guides regarding the structure of neural networks, but I must be missing something fundamental. Given a set of trained weights along with their bias, I'd like to simply predict an input manually with those weights without using the predict method.

Using MNIST images with keras I've attempted to manually edit my data to include an extra feature for the bias, however this effort seems to offer no better image accuracy than using no bias at all, and definitely far less accuracy than using the keras predict method. My code is below along with my attempt.

Please note the two comments near the bottom for using the keras method prediction for an accurate image representation, and then my poor attempt from getting the weights manually and adding the bias.

from keras.datasets import mnist
import numpy as np
import time
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
import tensorflow as tf
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 20, 64))

    seed = 7
    model = Sequential()
    (x_train, _), (x_test, _) = mnist.load_data()
    x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255.
    priorShape_x_train=x_train.shape #prior shape of training set
    x_train = x_train.reshape((len(x_train), np.prod(x_train.shape[1:])))
    x_test = x_test.reshape((len(x_test), np.prod(x_test.shape[1:])))
    model.add(Dense(32, input_dim=784, init='uniform', activation='relu'))
    model.add(Dense(784, init='uniform', activation='sigmoid'))
    model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adadelta', metrics=['accuracy'])
    model.fit(x_train[1:2500], x_train[1:2500], nb_epoch=10)

#proper keras prediction

#manual weight prediction attempt
x_train=np.hstack([x_train,np.zeros(x_train.shape[0]).reshape(x_train.shape[0],1)]) #add extra column for bias
x_train[:,-1]=1 #add placeholder as 1
weights=np.vstack([model.get_weights()[0],model.get_weights()[1]]) #add trained weights as extra row vector
prediction=np.dot(x_train,weights) #now take dot product.. repeat pattern for next layer

plt.imshow(prediction[57], interpolation='nearest',cmap='gray')
plt.savefig('myprediction.png') #my prediction, not accurate
plt.savefig('realprediction.png') #in-built keras method, accurate
like image 346
user4779 Avatar asked Feb 11 '17 17:02


People also ask

How do you add weights to a neural network?

Step-1: Initialization of Neural Network: Initialize weights and biases. Step-2: Forward propagation: Using the given input X, weights W, and biases b, for every layer we compute a linear combination of inputs and weights (Z)and then apply activation function to linear combination (A).

How are predictions used in neural networks?

Use of neural networks prediction in predictive analytics Neural networks work better at predictive analytics because of the hidden layers. Linear regression models use only input and output nodes to make predictions. The neural network also uses the hidden layer to make predictions more accurate.

1 Answers

The manual prediction calculation seems to be correct other than the missing activation function like activation='relu' after first layer and activation='sigmoid' in the final layer.

Do the following changes to the manual prediction code and the prediction should work fine:

from scipy.stats import logistic


prediction[prediction<0]=0              ### RELU after 1st layer


prediction=logistic.cdf(prediction)     ### Sigmoid after 2nd layer

like image 85
indraforyou Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
