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How to use vuetify.css and bootstrap in one page?

I want to use both the vuetify.min.css folder and bootstratp.min.css folder. Bootstrap is defined on the layout page and I need vuetify.min.css on another page. Is there any way to use both of them together?

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efeozkesici Avatar asked Mar 30 '19 08:03


People also ask

Can you use Bootstrap and Vue together?

With BootstrapVue you can build responsive, mobile-first, and ARIA accessible projects on the web using Vue. js and the world's most popular front-end CSS library — Bootstrap v4.

What CSS does Vuetify use?

Vuetify uses SASS/SCSS to craft the style and appearance of all aspects of the framework.

Is Vuetify like Bootstrap?

Vuetify is a reusable semantic component framework for Vue. js that aims to provide clean, semantic and reusable components. Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development.

Does Vuetify 2 work with vue3?

The current version of Vuetify does not support Vue 3.

1 Answers

There are multiple solutions here:

  1. Prefix one of the libraries like so: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/9454

  2. Only get what you need from the BS4 library (using SCSS) like so:

@import "~bootstrap/scss/buttons.scss";
  1. Switch to BS3 for your button styling and create a custom package.

In my opinion the best solution is the second, get it working in your setup and build the files you need. More info on Theming BS4 here.

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Luuk Skeur Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Luuk Skeur