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How to use variables in different less files?



Let's say I separate a less files into many less files to be easy to organize. Here is my repository:


The styles.less is just importing the other files:

@import "reset.less";
@import "mixins.less";
@import "variables.less";
@import "main.less";

However, when I add some codes into main.less and use the @line-color which is defined in the variables.less. It shows Name Error: variable @line-color is undefined and I cannot compile it- I use PHPStorm with less plugin.

Could you pleas suggest me?

like image 408
lvarayut Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 06:08


People also ask

How do you pass a variable in LESS?

LESS gets compiled into static CSS, so there's no way to access variables or functions at runtime. You can either use javascript to assign new values to specific CSS properties with element. style. (property) , or use CSS native variables which are pretty new thing that allows to be modified at runtime.

Can you use CSS variables in LESS?

CSS variables can be declared and used in less files, we can change the variable value or swap variable definition in the browser and it's as easy as changing an element's class name. Create a theme context and a wrapper component to make them available to the app.

WHAT ARE LESS files used for?

Less (Leaner Style Sheets; sometimes stylized as LESS) is a dynamic preprocessor style sheet language that can be compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and run on the client side or server side.

How do I import LESS files?

The @import directive is used to import the files in the code. It spreads the LESS code over different files and allows to maintain the structure of code easily. You can put the @import statements anywhere in the code. For instance, you can import the file by using @import keyword as @import "file_name.

2 Answers

You have to import your variables.less to all files which use your variables.


You have to compile only your style.less. You cannot compile the main.less because it doesn't know the variables.less but you don't want a main.CSS anyway, do you?
You should get the correct style.css which is (I guess) the only css file you'll need.

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Alexander Scholz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Alexander Scholz

I could solve it by doing the following in PHPstorm:

  • Open Preferences…
  • In Tools > File Watchers > Less (configure)
  • Check "track only root files"
  • Change the "Output paths to refresh" to ../css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css (added "../css/" in front - depending on what folder you'd like to write the css files into)
  • (At this point you may want to check if this already does the job to your liking. If it doesn't, carry on to the next step…)
  • In Other Settings > LESS Profiles > (Your profile) (configure)
  • Define "LESS source directory": /Users/macuser/htdocs/MySite/sites/all/themes/mytheme/less (depending on which folder contains the .less files)
  • Define "Include file by path": /Users/macuser/htdocs/MySite/sites/all/themes/mytheme/less/style.less (file name depending on which .less file compiles the other .less files)
  • Add "CSS output directory" by selecting the folder you wish to write the (minified) CSS files
  • Enable Compress CSS output if desired

Notice: If Compress CSS output is enabled, this means that the code will be compressed everytime you right-click a .less-file and hit "Compile to CSS". By default the output will not be compressed with every modification you make to the .less-file. If you do want to compress the CSS straight away,

  • Install less-plugin-clean-css using the following command in Terminal: sudo npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css
  • Next, go to Tools > File Watchers > Less (configure), and change the "Arguments" to --clean-css --no-color $FileName$ (added "--clean-css" in front). Now it will compile your CSS automatically while you're coding. You'll no longer need to compile manually.
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cptstarling Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
