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How to use textview in Android's PreferenceScreen?




I would like to use textview in PreferenceScreen, it's a longer text that explains some specific setting. If I use summary or title attribute on some versions it gets formatted weirdly, doesn't display correctly etc. (The text is rather long).

Therefor I find it would be the best to use textview, is it possible to create custom settings element?

like image 791
Badr Hari Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 11:08

Badr Hari

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How do you use TextView?

It is based on the layout size, style, and color, etc. TextView is used to set and display the text according to our specifications. In Android, when we create a new project with a specific name Android provides us a TextView in our activity_main. xml file, and the second file is the MainActivity.

What is the use of text TextView in android?

A TextView displays text to the user and optionally allows them to edit it. A TextView is a complete text editor, however the basic class is configured to not allow editing.

How do I assign text to TextView?

Set The Text of The TextView You can set the text to be displayed in the TextView either when declaring it in your layout file, or by using its setText() method. The text is set via the android:text attribute. You can either set the text as attribute value directly, or reference a text defined in the strings.

How do I access TextView?

Access TextView in Layout File from Kotlin To access the TextView present in a layout file, from Kotlin file, use findViewById() method with the TextView id passed as argument. The attribute id will help to find the specified widget. Following is a complete example to access the TextView present in layout file.

What is the use of set textview in Android?

It is used to specify the type of text being placed in text fields. It is used to specify the fontFamily for the text. If we set, it specifies that this TextView has an input method. Following is the example of using TextView control in the android application.

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Text Shadow Shadow for the text can also be given in Android. The attributes required for the shadowed text view are: android:shadowDx=”integer_value” -> which decides the distance of text from its shadow with respect to x axis, if the integer_value is positive the shadow is on positive of the x axis and vice versa.

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Set the Text of Android TextView In android, we can set the text of TextView control either while declaring it in Layout file or by using setText () method in Activity file. Following is the example to set the text of TextView control while declaring it in the XML Layout file.

How do I create a preference screen in Android?

The steps to create an Android Preferences UI are: Define the UI in XML, using a PreferenceScreen as the main component/container. As an optional step, populate some Android string arrays to use with your preferences components. Write a PreferenceActivity and PreferenceFragment in Java code to show/handle the UI.

2 Answers

Use this:

        android:summary="anything_you_want" />

The attributes selectable will decide the click action of the Preference.

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zackygaurav Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 18:10


You can assign layout resource for your preference in your xml file, using tag android:layout="@layout/your_pref_layout".

Don't forget to use proper ids in your layout (android:id="@+android:id/title", android:id="@+android:id/summary") to assign views to be used as title/summary views.

For more info see for example this: Creating a custom layout for preferences

or this: How to add a button to PreferenceScreen

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Berťák Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 17:10
