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How to use Tapku library for iPhone?



I just found the Tapku library and would love to use the calendar, but am clueless as to where to start since I am new to iPhone dev. How do I go about presenting the calendar in one of my views?

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tybro0103 Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 05:12


2 Answers

TKCalendarMonthView *calendar1=[[TKCalendarMonthView alloc] init];
calendar1.delegate = self;
calendar1.dataSource = self;
[calendar1 selectDate:[NSDate date]];
[self.view addSubview:calendar1];

Add this in the .m file where you want to display.

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Dhara Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 18:12


have you looked in the demo project included in the library? i believe it has an example that would be very useful to you, and also, here is the developer documentation gitHub docs that includes the calendar class structure.

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Jesse Naugher Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 19:12

Jesse Naugher