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How to use Store Procedure and Complex types using Repository Pattern in EF?

How can we use store procedures, and complex types while dealing with Repository pattern in Entity Framework?Could anybody please give a simple example.

Also in what situation should we actually go for an Repository pattern?

Thanks in advance

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user1025901 Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 02:01


People also ask

Can we use stored procedure in Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework has the capability of importing a Stored Procedure as a function. We can also map the result of the function back to any entity type or complex type.

How do I add complex type to Entity Framework?

On the designer surface, select one or more properties (excluding navigation properties) of an entity, then right-click and select Refactor -> Move to New Complex Type. A new complex type with the selected properties is added to the Model Browser. The complex type is given a default name.

How can use stored procedure in .NET core in Entity Framework?

The support for stored procedure in EF Core is similar to the earlier versions of EF Code first. You need to create your DbContext class by inherting the DbContext class from EF. The stored procedures are executing using the DbContext. First step is to write a method that create a DbCommand from the DbContext.

1 Answers

I think you have missed a point as to why people implement repository pattern when EF already implements repository pattern through ObjectSet/DbSet?

Popular answer would be because many tutorials advice you to use it without justifying reasons. There are valid reasons not to use Repository layer over ObjectSet/DbSet. However I will point out some reasons as to why it it preferable.

Default filters There are many situations in real life applications where you need a default filter. For example discontinued products are not sold. If you expose the Products ObjectSet/DbSet directly there will be problems if someone forgot to apply the default filter. It also avoids the duplication of the logic. You can also modify the default filter later without breaking issues.

public IQueriable<Product> GetAll()
    return context.Products.Where(p => !p.IsDiscontinued);

Soft Deletes Many applications use soft deletes where you keep a column such as IsDeleted without actually removing the row. Now the ObjectSet/DbSet has a Delete method but once you call this method it will assign null values to the nullable FK properties. You may not want this.

public void Delete(Product product)
    // can apply any other logic here
    product.IsDeleted = true;

Read Only Entities There are many situation where some other application is in charge of creating, deleting and updating entities and your application is only displaying the entity. But the ObjectSet/DbSet exposes unsupported functionality in this case. Another benifit in this case would be to use NoTracking option to reduce the entity materialization time.

Switch Data Access without exposing implementation There are occasions where LINQ is not sufficient. Here you can use raw SQL or SPs. Having a repository will avoid exposing different methods of querying/updating when the functionality exposed by EF is not sufficient.

Working with Existing Databases When you do not have the luxury of creating the database that EF is capable of handling. Existing table may have Sql Variant, XML columns. Duplication of entries to another tables and countless other cases that you need to handle to keep the integrity of the database.

These techniques may not be bullet proof but will come in handy if situation demands it. What I would suggest is without jumping straight in to repositories you better think about does adding another abstraction layer necessary to implement the required functionalities.

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Eranga Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
