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How to use Special Chars in Java/Eclipse

How can I use/display characters like ♥, ♦, ♣, or ♠ in Java/Eclipse?

When I try to use them directly, e.g. in the source code, Eclipse cannot save the file.

What can I do?

Edit: How can I find the unicode escape sequence?

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Burkhard Avatar asked Oct 14 '08 10:10


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Eclipse by default does not support Unicode / UTF-8. Turning it on, is very easy if you know where it is. At the bottom of that screen you can see 'Text file encoding'. Just choose the relevent one (choices range from US-ASCII to UTF-8), click the one you want, and presto, away you go.

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1 Answers

The problem is that the characters you are using cannot be represented in the encoding you have the file set to (Cp1252). The way I see it, you essentially have two options:

Option 1. Change the encoding. According to IBM, you should set the encoding to UTF-8. I believe this would solve your problem.

  • Set the global text file encoding preference Workbench > Editors to "UTF-8".
  • If an encoding other than UTF-8 is required, set the encoding on the individual file rather than using the global preference setting. To do this use the File > Properties > Info menu selection to set the encoding on an individual file.

Option 2. Remove the characters which are not supported by the "Cp1252" character encoding. You can replace the unsupported characters with Unicode escape sequences (\uxxxx). While this would allow you to save your file, it is not necessarily the best solution.

For the characters you specified in your question here are the Unicode escape sequences:

 \u2665  \u2666  \u2663  \u2660 
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Joe Lencioni Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Joe Lencioni