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How to use session in JSP pages to get information?





I have a JSP page used for editing some user's info. When a user logins to the website, I keep the information in the session, then in my edit page I try the following:

<%! String username=session.getAttribute("username"); %> <form action="editinfo" method="post">     <table>         <tr>             <td>Username: </td><td> <input type="text" value="<%=username %>" /> </td>         </tr>     </table> </form> 

but it gives error saying session cannot be resolved. What can I do about it?

like image 459
yrazlik Avatar asked Jul 02 '13 07:07


People also ask

How can we use session in JSP page?

In JSP, the session is the most regularly used implicit object of type HttpSession. It is mainly used to approach all data of the user until the user session is active. Methods used in session Implicit Object are as follows: Method 1: isNew(): This method is used to check either the session is new or not.

What is session object in JSP explain it with example?

The session object is used to track a client session between client requests. JSP makes use of the servlet provided HttpSession Interface. This interface provides a way to identify a user across. a one-page request or. visit to a website or.

How do you enable session tracking for JSP pages?

If the browser does not support cookies, or if cookies are disabled, you can still enable session tracking using URL rewriting. URL rewriting essentially includes the session ID within the link itself as a name/value pair.

How do you check session is set or not in JSP?

getSession() will always give you session object, so you can use request. getSession(false) code to get session and if session does not exist, it will return null.

2 Answers

JSP implicit objects likes session, request etc. are not available inside JSP declaration <%! %> tags.

You could use it directly in your expression as

<td>Username: </td> <td><input type="text" value="<%= session.getAttribute("username") %>" /></td> 

On other note, using scriptlets in JSP has been long deprecated. Use of EL (expression language) and JSTL tags is highly recommended. For example, here you could use EL as

<td>Username: </td> <td><input type="text" value="${username}" /></td> 

The best part is that scope resolution is done automatically. So, here username could come from page, or request, or session, or application scopes in that order. If for a particular instance you need to override this because of a name collision you can explicitly specify the scope as

<td><input type="text" value="${requestScope.username}" /></td> or, <td><input type="text" value="${sessionScope.username}" /></td> or, <td><input type="text" value="${applicationScope.username}" /></td> 
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Ravi K Thapliyal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Ravi K Thapliyal


<% String username = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(...); %> 

Note that your use of <%! ... %> is translated to class-level, but request is only available in the service() method of the translated servlet.

See how JSP code is translated to a servlet.

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Uooo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
