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How to use Require directive to limit file access in apache 2.4

I have a directory structure like the following for a website on Ubuntu 14.04, running apache 2.4.7:


In the Apache config for the site, I have

<Directory /websites/mywebsite/>
   AllowOverride Limit
   Require all granted

I want to use .htaccess files in the site folder such that the private.htm and privatefile.ext files are Require all denied but everything else is granted.

I tried the following two .htaccess files:


<FilesMatch (private.*.htm)$>
   Require all denied


Require all denied


Require all granted

However, apache gives a 500 - "Require not allowed here" for /websites/mywebsite/.htaccess

How can I make what I want happen with apache 2.4-compatible configuration (ie I do not want to load mod_access_compat and use the old style config)?

like image 212
dodexahedron Avatar asked Jul 26 '14 01:07


People also ask

What is the purpose of AllowOverride directive?

The AllowOverride directive sets whether any Options can be overridden by the declarations in an . htaccess file. By default, both the root directory and the DocumentRoot are set to allow no . htaccess overrides.

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1 Answers

In the apache config for the site, you have to extend AllowOverride properties. Add: FileInfo and AuthConfig. Or set "AllowOverride All"

I had same problem, fixed with this config :

<Directory /websites/mywebsite/>
   Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
   AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig
like image 163
jtef Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11
