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How to use property placeholder inside a Camel Processor

I'm writing some routes with camel, and I want to make some transformations using a Processor. I have a properties file and it is working ok.

    .log("Mail to: {{MAIL}}") //The value is read from a property file
    .process(new ProcessorPrepareMail())

Now... I want to read the value of {{MAIL}} inside the processor but I don't know how.

I tried these things:

public class ProcessorPrepareMail implements Processor

    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception
        //Plan A: Does not work.... I get an empty String
        String mail = exchange.getProperty("MAIL", String.class);

        //Plan B: Does not work.... I get the String "{{MAIL}}"
        Language simple = exchange.getContext().resolveLanguage("simple");
        Expression expresion = simple.createExpression("{{MAIL}}");
        String valor = expresion.evaluate(exchange, String.class);

        //Plan C: Does not work. It activates the default error handler
        Language simple = exchange.getContext().resolveLanguage("simple");
        Expression expresion = simple.createExpression("${MAIL}");
        String valor = expresion.evaluate(exchange, String.class);

Can you help me?


like image 453
Desenfoque Avatar asked Aug 04 '16 16:08


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1 Answers

There is API on CamelContext to do that:

String mail = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders("{{MAIL}}");
like image 107
Claus Ibsen Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Claus Ibsen