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How to use Promise.prototype.finally() in async/await syntax?


Actually my main question was using Promise.prototype.catch() in async/await ES8 syntax, Undoubtedly Promise.prototype.then() is existed in essence of async/await syntax.

I searched about using Promise.prototype.catch() in async/await and found this:

async () => {   try {     const result1 = await firstAsynchronousFunction();     const result2 = await secondAsynchronousFunction(result1);     console.log(result2);   } catch(err) {     throw new Error(`Something failed`);   } } 

And absolutely I knew about Promise chaining, like:

new Promise((resolve) => {   console.log(`Initial`);   resolve(); }) .then(() => {   console.log(`Task Number One`); }) .catch(() => {   console.log(`Task in Error`); }) .finally(() => {   console.log(`All Tasks is Done`); }) 

So, my question is how I can use finally in async/await syntax?

like image 869
AmerllicA Avatar asked May 16 '18 14:05


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The finally() method of a Promise schedules a function, the callback function, to be called when the promise is settled. Like then() and catch() , it immediately returns an equivalent Promise object, allowing you to chain calls to another promise method, an operation called composition.

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finally() method to the standard library. The finally() method lets you execute a callback function once the promise that it's called on has been settled (that is, it has been either fulfilled or rejected and is therefore no longer pending): somePromise. finally(() => { // Code });

1 Answers

this should work:

async () => {   try {     const result1 = await firstAsynchronousFunction();     const result2 = await secondAsynchronousFunction(result1);     console.log(result2);   } catch(err) {     throw new Error(`Something failed`);   } finally {     console.log(`All Tasks is Done`);   } } 
like image 56
jcubic Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 10:12
