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How to use profiling in Goland IDE

I press Run button to start my program work then I press button Start CPU Usage Profiling. At the end I get a file like GO-version_username_time.zip.

What should I do next? How can I get a list of most expensive functions?

like image 721
Kenenbek Arzymatov Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 17:03

Kenenbek Arzymatov

1 Answers


As of GoLand 2019.1, it is possible to profile Go applications or Go tests. See this article for more information on how to do this.

Old post:

Currently, the IDE does not have any Go profiling support. You can watch/vote for this issue for when profiling will be integrated into the IDE.

The functionality you've mentioned, Start CPU Usage Profiling, relates to profiling the IDE itself, in case performance problems occur and need to be reported to the developers.

like image 198
dlsniper Avatar answered Mar 09 '23 07:03
