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How to use prepared statement in JPA

I am a play framework application Developer.I am using createNativeQuery method in JPA. In this example i want to use prepared statement. Please anyone help me? Here is the code without JPA. I need help to convert it to Prepared statement.

Query query = JPA.em().createNativeQuery("select count(*) from truck t inner join" +
    "box b where t.truck_id=b.truck_id and t.shipment_upc='" + code + "'");

BigInteger val = (BigInteger)query.getSingleResult();
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user3454863 Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 09:04


People also ask

How do prepared statements work?

A prepared statement is a feature used to execute the same (or similar) SQL statements repeatedly with high efficiency. Prepared statements basically work like this: Prepare: An SQL statement template is created and sent to the database. Certain values are left unspecified, called parameters (labeled "?").

Can we use prepared statement for select query?

To retrieve data from a table using a SELECT statement with parameter markers, you use the PreparedStatement. executeQuery method.

What is the use of prepared statement in Java?

A PreparedStatement is a pre-compiled SQL statement. It is a subinterface of Statement. Prepared Statement objects have some useful additional features than Statement objects. Instead of hard coding queries, PreparedStatement object provides a feature to execute a parameterized query.

2 Answers

Query query = JPA.em().createNativeQuery("select count(*) from truck t inner join box b where t.truck_id=b.truck_id and t.shipment_upc=:code");
query.setParameter("code", code);
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Subir Kumar Sao Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Subir Kumar Sao

Brief Summary

You need to use query parameters here, but since you are using a native query, you may be limited in your options compared to with JPQL.

State of World

You may be limited to positional parameters:

JPA does not require native queries support named parameters, but some JPA providers may

Hibernate's implementation of JPA supports named parameters:

Native SQL queries support positional as well as named parameters



Subir Kumar Sao's answer shows how to solve this using named parameters. This is possible at least in Hibernate.

I'll repeat it here for the sake of comparison:

Query query = JPA.em().createNativeQuery(
"FROM truck AS t "+
"INNER JOIN box b "+
"WHERE t.truck_id = b.truck_id "+
"AND t.shipment_upc = :code"
query.setParameter("code", code);

Generic JPA (including EclipseLink)

I found that with EclipseLink (2.5.1), named parameters were not supported.

Instead, it becomes necessary to use positional parameters. These can be expressed in two ways — explicitly and implicitly.

Explicit index

Mark the parameter using ?1 (or some other number). This index can be used to uniquely identify that particular parameter in your query.

Query query = JPA.em().createNativeQuery(
"FROM truck AS t "+
"INNER JOIN box b "+
"WHERE t.truck_id = b.truck_id "+
"AND t.shipment_upc = ?1"
query.setParameter(1, code);

Implicit index

Mark the parameter using just ?. Its index will be based on the sequence of all parameters participating in your query string.

Query query = JPA.em().createNativeQuery(
"FROM truck AS t "+
"INNER JOIN box b "+
"WHERE t.truck_id = b.truck_id "+
"AND t.shipment_upc = ?"
query.setParameter(1, code);


Observe that:

  • Positional parameters are 1-indexed.
  • The key in the Query parameter map is simply the index of the positional parameter.

Additional sources

  • How to create a native query with named parameters?
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Birchlabs Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
