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How to use PostgreSQL JSONB_SET() to create new deep object element

I must be missing something... seems JSONB_SET() is not working as advertised?

    '{"k1": {"value": "v1"}}',

Results in:

    | jsonb_set
    | jsonb
  1 | {"k1": {"value": "v1"}}

I was expecting {"k1": {"value": "v1"}, "k2": {"value": "v2"}} I also tried FALSE as the fourth parameter in case it was reversed or something.

I am using PostgreSQL 9.6.4

like image 972
user9645 Avatar asked Oct 17 '17 19:10


3 Answers

The document says:

jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb[, create_missing boolean])

In your example, the second parameter - '{k2,value}' is the search path, but since the first path is k2 that does not exist, results to NULL before value could be added/replaced.

In simple terms – jsonb_set is not meant to build entire JSON document the way you tried using search path, but to add or replace single key/value.

If you want to add/replace entirely new set of JSON like that you can use || (concatenate) operator instead like that:

-- Add example:
SELECT $${"k1": {"value": "v1"}}$$::jsonb || $${ "k2": { "value": "v2"}}$$::jsonb;
 {"k1": {"value": "v1"}, "k2": {"value": "v2"}}
(1 row)

-- Replace example
SELECT $${"k1": {"value": "v1"}}$$::jsonb || $${ "k1": { "value": "v2"}}$$::jsonb;
 {"k1": {"value": "v2"}}
(1 row) 


You can use jsonb_set() like that instead:

    '{"k1": {"value": "v1"}}',
    '{"value": "v2"}',
 {"k1": {"value": "v1"}, "k2": {"value": "v2"}}
(1 row)
like image 89
Kristo Mägi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Kristo Mägi

I just faced the same issue and created a simple postgres-function for it. It may not be the fastest solution and might especially be slow for deep inserts, but so far works fine for me!

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_deep_set(curjson jsonb, globalpath text[], newval jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS
    IF curjson is null THEN
      curjson := '{}'::jsonb;
    END IF;
    FOR index IN 1..ARRAY_LENGTH(globalpath, 1) LOOP
      IF curjson #> globalpath[1:index] is null THEN
        curjson := jsonb_set(curjson, globalpath[1:index], '{}');
      END IF;
    curjson := jsonb_set(curjson, globalpath, newval);
    RETURN curjson;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Relacing jsonb with json makes it also work for json objects.

like image 27
Julian Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10


To achieve "safe value-setting" of deeply-nested fields (without having to create a new PostgreSQL function in the database), I use the following pattern: (as first mentioned here)

update "myTable" set "myField" =
  jsonb_set(COALESCE("myField", '{}'), '{"depth1"}',
  jsonb_set(COALESCE("myField"->'depth1', '{}'), '{"depth2"}',
  jsonb_set(COALESCE("myField"->'depth1'->'depth2', '{}'), '{"depth3"}',
  jsonb_set(COALESCE("myField"->'depth1'->'depth2'->'depth3', '{}'), '{"depth4"}',
)))) where "id" = 'myRowID' returning *

And for those who may dislike the deeply-nested nature of the calls above, here is an alternative:

update "myTable" set "myField" = jsonb_set(
    WHEN "myField" IS NULL THEN '{"depth1": {"depth2": {"depth3": {}}}}'
    WHEN "myField"->'depth1' IS NULL THEN jsonb_set("myField", array['depth1'], '{"depth2": {"depth3": {}}}')
    WHEN "myField"->'depth1'->'depth2' IS NULL THEN jsonb_set("myField", array['depth1','depth2'], '{"depth3": {}}')
    WHEN "myField"->'depth1'->'depth2'->'depth3' IS NULL THEN jsonb_set("myField", array['depth1','depth2','depth3'], '{}')
    ELSE "myField"
) where "id" = 'myRowID' returning *
like image 30
Venryx Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
