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How to use path variable in @Preauthorize

I have a situation where i need to pass the path variable as a argument to the preauthorize

    @RequestMapping(value="/page/{cmd}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
     public void method(@PathVariable String cmd, HttpServletRequest request,  HttpServletResponse response){
// my stuff

It is not working.can anyone suggest me how to use the path variable in pre authorize please.

like image 946
Krishnan Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 10:07


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1 Answers

Spring Security's @PreAuthorize is used for authorizing access to methods. It doesn't know really much about Spring MVC, in particular about its @RequestMapping annotation.

Names like #cmd will refer to method parameters, and your cmd parameter is null. Change it to:

@PathVariable("cmd") String cmd

This way, cmd path variable will be bound to cmd method parameter, which will then be bound by #cmd in @PreAuthorize.

like image 106
X. Wo Satuk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

X. Wo Satuk