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how to use path-to-regexp to match all paths that's not starting with /api/?

when using path-to-regexp, how to match all path that not starting with /api/?

By using native JavaScript RegExp /^(?!\/api\/).*/will match/x/y/z. see test result from here enter image description here

However, it does not work with path-to-regexp. see the test result from there

enter image description here

So what's the correct way to achieve my goal in path-to-regexp?

[Update 1]

More details: The real case is that I'm using angular2 + koajs. And in angular2, browser may issue a client routing url to server. Please see my another question about this.

To address that issue, as suggested by @mxii, I'm trying to use koa-repath to redirect all requests that not started with /api/ to the root url: http://localhost:3000/excepte it's static assets (js/json/html/png/...) requests.

And koa-repath use path-to-regexp to match the path. That's why I asked this question.

like image 812
ricky Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 12:08


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2 Answers

See my comment for an explanation about how the express route tester works.

If you just want a simple regex to check that a string doesn't start with api or /api, you don't need "path-to-regex" for that, you can simply use this regex:



^    => beginning of string
(?!) => negative look-ahead
\/?  => 0 or 1 slash
.+   => 1 or more character (any except newline)
$    => end of string

So you get a match if the start of the string is not followed by /api (optional slash).

See http://regexr.com/3e3a6 for an example.

Edit: If you want it the other way round (only match urls starting with /api or api, you can use positive look-ahead:



But it's even simpler then:



like image 89
Simon Hänisch Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Simon Hänisch

I was trying to do the same thing. It seems like the people who answered didn't actually try to understand what you were asking.

I'm not sure if it's possible to do in path-to-regexp. It seems like it doesn't have negative look ahead.

What you can do is change the order that you route the paths. Add your api routing to express / whatever before you add your static stuff.

app.use('/api', require('./api'));

app.get('/*', function (req, res) {
  //serve angular app  

I did it like this and the api route also works.

like image 2
Johnnie Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10
