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How to use -parameters javac option in intellij?


I have this all working in eclipse and am trying to do so in intellij now. I opened settings {command and comma} then went to Build, Execution and Deployment and clicked Compiler and in Shared Build Process VM Options I typed in "-parameters" but intellij errored out when I built the project with "Unrecognized option: -parameters"

My project is compiling fine in jdk8 and I am using jdk 8 lambdas and other jdk features. I don't get why I can't get my code compiled with parameters build in.

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Dean Hiller Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 02:08

Dean Hiller

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1 Answers

The "Shared build process VM options" field, as its name implies, is used to specify the VM options for the shared build process. The shared build process is not javac, and -parameters is not a VM option. Therefore, the option is not recognized.

The correct place to enter the -parameters option is Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler > Additional command line parameters.

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yole Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10
