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How to use orthogonal data to sort in DataTables?

I am using DataTables v1.10. I want to make a column sortable by a numeric value, when the value shown in the column is not numeric.

I understand that I need to use orthogonal data to do this, as described here.

However, my sort function is not working. This is my code:

var myData = [{
    'country': 'France',
        'all_games': 7,
        'won_games': 4
}, {
    'country': 'England',
        'all_games': 13,
        'won_games': 13
}, {
    'country': 'Germany',
        'all_games': 2,
        'won_games': 0
var columns = [{
    "data": "country",
        "title": "Country"
}, {
    "data": "outcomes_str",
        "title": 'Games won',
        "render": {
        "_": "display",
            "sort": "sort"
$.each(myData, function (i, d) {
    d.outcomes_str = {};
    d.outcomes_str.sort = (d.all_games > 0) ? (d.won_games / d.all_games) * 100 : 0;
    d.outcomes_str.display = d.won_games + '/' + d.all_games + ' (' + Math.round(d.outcomes_str.sort * 10) / 10 + '%)';
drawTable(myData, 'localTable');

function drawTable(data, tableId) {
    var html = '<table class="table table-bordered table-hover ';
    html += '" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="myTable"></table>';
        data: data,
        columns: columns,
        paging: false

JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/07nk5wob/33/

What am I doing wrong?

like image 571
Richard Avatar asked Nov 17 '15 11:11


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What is orthogonal data set?

What is Orthogonality in Statistics? Simply put, orthogonality means “uncorrelated.” An orthogonal model means that all independent variables in that model are uncorrelated. If one or more independent variables are correlated, then that model is non-orthogonal.

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1 Answers

See my corrected answer.

Basically, you need to explicitly state column data type with type: "num" for numeric data, otherwise it may default to alphabetical sort.

    "data": "outcomes_str",
    "title": 'Games won',
    "type": "num",
    "render": {
        "_": "display",
        "sort": "sort"

See updated jsFiddle for code and demonstration.

like image 137
Gyrocode.com Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10
