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How to use of pay pal java API

I am developing web application in that i have included pay pal payment system, i am making use of java API my, i have got API key, password and API certificates also, but i dont no where to use that, i have gone through the documentation which is in pay pal but didn't get solutions please help me out. i have downloaded samples from the below links: https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/library_download_sdks

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Vijay Sali Avatar asked Mar 16 '11 10:03

Vijay Sali

People also ask

What can I do with PayPal API?

You can enable customers to make PayPal and credit card payments with only a few clicks, depending on the country. You can accept an immediate payment or authorize a payment and capture it later. You can show details for completed payments, refunds, and authorizations. You can make full or partial refunds.

Does PayPal use API?

PayPal offers APIs for new and legacy integrations.

How do I add PayPal API to my website?

Integration methods PayPal HTML buttons — Simply log in to the PayPal website to create, and optionally customize, a payment button. Then copy and paste the payment button's HTML code snippet to your website.

1 Answers

Here you can get some guidance:

  • Copy 'adaptivepayments-java-sdk.jar' to your class path.
  • Copy the configuration file 'sdk_config.properties' in SDK 'resource' folder to your project.
  • Import AdaptivePaymentsService into your code.
  • Load the configuration file into your application with this method call as required:

    new AdaptivePaymentsService(new File(".../sdk_config.properties")); 
  • Create a service wrapper object.
  • Create a request object as per your project needs.
  • Invoke the appropriate method on the service wrapper object.
like image 112
rodripf Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 01:11
