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How to use nodeJS cluster with mySQL pool cluster?

Quick question

If I make a node cluster application with 4 workers (4 instances of my application), should I use mySQL pool or mysql pool cluster? If I use pool it will create one pool for each application but If I use pool cluster it will create 4 pools for each application (16 total). Is this a good implementation or will it actually slow the performance?

Let's make a fake example to illustrate what I am asking. I am creating a nodeJS server app like this.

First, let's make the configuration file for the mysql database (important is the last section of this file where I make the db workers):


'use strict'
const mysql   = require('mysql'),
      workers = process.env.WORKERS || require('os').cpus().length,
      cluster = require('cluster');
//Local Database Settings
const local_settings = {
    user       : 'user',
    host       : '',
    password   : 'pass',
    database   : 'dbname',
    debug      : false,
    dateStrings: true,
    connectionLimit     : 10,
    defaultSelector     : 'RR',
    multipleStatements  : true,
    removeNodeErrorCount: 1

let poolCluster = module.exports = mysql.createPoolCluster( local_settings );

//here I make one db worker for each app worker
for(let i = 0; i < workers; i++){
    poolCluster.add(`DBWORKER_${process.pid}_${i}`, local_settings);

Then I create a global Library to use in my application where I have my database connection function


'use strict'
const path        = require('path'),
      poolCluster = require(path.join('path','to_the','DBconfig.js'));

global.db = obj => {
  return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
    poolCluster.getConnection(function(err, connection){
        if(err) {reject(err);return}
        connection.query(obj.query, obj.params, function(){
            if(!err) resolve(rows)
            else reject(err);
        connection.on('error'), function(err){


'use strict'
const express = require('express'),
      path    = require('path');
let   app     = module.exports = express();

//here I handle all with express.Router()
const index = require(path.join('path','to_my','index.js'));

app.use('/', index)

and in the end I have a cluster file from where I start the server (everything here is important):


'use strict'
const path    = require('path'),
      cluster = require('cluster'),
      sockets = require(path.join('path_to','sockets.js')),
      app     = require(path.join('path_to','app.js')),
      pclust  = require(path.join('path_to', 'DBconfig.js')),
      workers = process.env.WORKERS || require('os').cpus().length;

if (cluster.isMaster) {
    for (var i = 0; i < workers; ++i) {
        var worker = cluster.fork();
    cluster.on('disconnect', function(worker) {
        pclust.remove(`DBWORKER_${worker.process.pid}_*`);//remove all connections relative to this process pid
        var worker = cluster.fork();
else {

    //Start Application
    var server = app.listen(8080, '', function(){

    // initialize socket

Let's assume that I have 4 cpus, so there will be 4 instances of my app.js. Therefore I create 4 database workers one for each cpu in each application so in the end I have:

cpuID    server instances    db workers

 1            1                 4

 2            1                 4

 3            1                 4

 4            1                 4

 4            4                 16 ( TOTAL )

So that leaves me with a lot of db workers ... The question is, is this a good implementation of nodeJS cluster and mySQL pool cluster? If not which is the right way?

like image 824
prieston Avatar asked Jul 12 '17 22:07


People also ask

Can I use Nodejs with MySQL?

Once you have MySQL up and running on your computer, you can access it by using Node. js. To access a MySQL database with Node. js, you need a MySQL driver.

How do you connect your node js application to MySQL?

First, initialize the node. js project in the particular folder in your machine. Download the mysql module in the project folder. After this create connection to the database with the createconnection() method of the mysql module.

How does Connection pool work in node js?

The Node. js driver supports connection pooling. Connection pooling allows your application to reuse existing connections by automatically saving the connection to a pool so it can be reused, rather than repeatedly creating a new connection to the SAP HANA database server.

1 Answers

I am also curious about this answer. I am assuming that with the higher work with the number of processors it would generally perform better with less requests, but with a lot of traffic it would be better to use.

In the app.js file I am using these packages within app.js:

const cluster = require('cluster');
const http = require('http');
let osu = require('node-os-utils'); //get's number of cpus
var cpu = osu.cpu;

I have also installed autocannon.

if(cluster.isMaster) {
  const availableCpus = cpu.count();

  console.log('clustering to', availableCpus, 'processes');
  for (let i = 0; i < availableCpus; i++) {

  cluster.on('online', function(worker) {
    console.log('worker:', worker.process.pid, 'is online');

  cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
    if(code !== 0 && !worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) {
      console.log('Starting new worker:', worker.process.pid, + 'signal:', signal);
else {

  app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    let i= 100000000; while (i>0) {i--}

  app.listen(port, () => console.log("APP TEST: port %s", port));


Using autocannon without cluster:

perfomance of server using 300 connections, duration of 20 seconds

Using autocannon with cluster and 8 workers:

performance of server using 300 connections, duration of 20 seconds and 8 workers

Also, without node.js cluster: 44k requests. With node.js cluster and 8 workers: 40k requests.

I would find it helpful if anyone could give an explanation on this.

like image 96
imatwork Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
