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How to use my Cookie class properly




I just started with OOP programming in PHP and I have made a cookie class.

With doing that i have got a few questions unanswered

  • is my class correct?

  • how do I use it properly in my page? ( lets think i want to see how many times the visitor visited my website before and output the result for the user )

I already tested it after loging in and using this code:

$cookie = new Cookie();

(I had a result thrown back but I don't know if its the good result) Bellow you can find my Cookie class.

class Cookie {
    /* cookie $id */ 
    private $id = false;

    /* cookie life $time */
    private $time = false;

    /* cookie $domain */
    private $domain = false;    

    /* cookie $path */
    private $path = false;

    /* cookie $secure (true is https only) */
    private $secure = false;

    public function __construct ($id, $time = 3600, $path = false, $domain = false, $secure = false) {
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->time = $time;                  
        $this->path = $path;
        $this->domain = $domain;      
        $this->secure = $secure;

    public function store() {
        foreach ($this->parameters as $parameter => $validator) {
            setcookie($this->id . "[" . $parameter . "]", $validator->getValue(), time() + $this->time, $this->path, $this->domain, $this->secure, true);        

    public function restore() {
        if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->id])) {

            foreach ($_COOKIE[$this->id] as $parameter => $value) {
                $this->{$parameter} = $value;

    public function destroy() {
        $this->time =  -1;

I hope someone can give me a good example! thanks for the help in advance!

like image 878
Reshad Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 19:12


1 Answers

This code should do the most frequent tasks you'll need to manipulate cookies. Don't get confused by reading the getter and setter methods - they're used to access the private variables defined in the class. Have in mind this class is used per cookie and you need to have a new instance for every new cookie you'll operate over. Below the class I've added an example how to use the class.

 * Cookie manager.
class Cookie
     * Cookie name - the name of the cookie.
     * @var bool
    private $name = false;

     * Cookie value
     * @var string
    private $value = "";

     * Cookie life time
     * @var DateTime
    private $time;

     * Cookie domain
     * @var bool
    private $domain = false;

     * Cookie path
     * @var bool
    private $path = false;

     * Cookie secure
     * @var bool
    private $secure = false;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct() { }

     * Create or Update cookie.
    public function create() {
        return setcookie($this->name, $this->getValue(), $this->getTime(), $this->getPath(), $this->getDomain(), $this->getSecure(), true);

     * Return a cookie
     * @return mixed
    public function get(){
        return $_COOKIE[$this->getName()];

     * Delete cookie.
     * @return bool
    public function delete(){
        return setcookie($this->name, '', time() - 3600, $this->getPath(), $this->getDomain(), $this->getSecure(), true);

     * @param $domain
    public function setDomain($domain) {
        $this->domain = $domain;

     * @return bool
    public function getDomain() {
        return $this->domain;

     * @param $id
    public function setName($id) {
        $this->name = $id;

     * @return bool
    public function getName() {
        return $this->name;

     * @param $path
    public function setPath($path) {
        $this->path = $path;

     * @return bool
    public function getPath() {
        return $this->path;

     * @param $secure
    public function setSecure($secure) {
        $this->secure = $secure;

     * @return bool
    public function getSecure() {
        return $this->secure;

     * @param $time
    public function setTime($time) {
        // Create a date
        $date = new DateTime();
        // Modify it (+1hours; +1days; +20years; -2days etc)
        // Store the date in UNIX timestamp.
        $this->time = $date->getTimestamp();

     * @return bool|int
    public function getTime() {
        return $this->time;

     * @param string $value
    public function setValue($value) {
        $this->value = $value;

     * @return string
    public function getValue() {
        return $this->value;

 * Create a cookie with the name "myCookieName" and value "testing cookie value"
$cookie = new Cookie();
// Set cookie name
// Set cookie value
$cookie->setValue("testing cookie value");
// Set cookie expiration time
$cookie->setTime("+1 hour");
// Create the cookie
// Get the cookie value.
// Delete the cookie.


P.S. I've commented the $cookie->delete(); on purpose so that you can see the content of print_r($cookie->get()).

Question: Where does the code go to see if the cookie is set?
You should check what does $_COOKIE do in the php documentation.
Basically the server sends headers to the client's browser which stores the cookies on the client's computer. When the client initializes a connection to the server it passes the cookies with the request.

Question: Where goes the $cookie->delete();
There isn't a direct way to delete cookies. So in order to do that you need to create a cookie with the same name and expiration time which is in the past. When you do that the cookie is removed from the client's browser.

like image 176
tftd Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 11:01
