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How to use Multiple forms in one Csharp panel in one Windows Form panel?





I am building a kids learning application, where clicking on a button on panel, I want to show different forms in the same place of the panel. Can you please help with any walk-through or tutorial links?

like image 719
MSU Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 08:04


1 Answers

This question should have been posted on Stackoverflow website rather than here.

But you can use this approach to handle the case.

            subForm = new SubFormYouWantToLoad();
            subForm.TopLevel = false;
            subForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            ContainerPanel.Controls.Add(subForm , 0, 1);
            subForm .Visible = true;

You can add this code when you click on the specific button. Here each subform is added to the Panel as a Control. You should remove the subform from the panel's control list before adding another subform. For this ,it is better to remove,close and dispose the first one.

like image 81
Vimal Raj Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Vimal Raj