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how to use min-width, max-width and width 100% [closed]





Anybody please help me describing a suitable example of min-width max-width and width 100% and why should I use this specially for?


what should I use for min-width that most computers resolution may match. what should I use for max-width that most computers resolution may match.

Edit I need better example as yahoo.com use

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Bhojendra Rauniyar Avatar asked Mar 14 '13 12:03

Bhojendra Rauniyar

2 Answers

min-width: If you set it 50px, then by default your div will be of width 50px. If the content inside the div has more width than 50px, then it(your div with min-width) will expand.

max-width: If you set it 50px and if the content inside the div has more width than 50px, then it(your div with max-width) will not expand, a horizontal scroll may appear depending on your overflow settings.

width:100% By default divs are of width 100% but if you have floating divs and you want to them to take all the horizontal space of their container, width:100% does help there.

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Gaurav Pandey Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 20:10

Gaurav Pandey

it's very general, but:

  • min-width is very useful in cases in which you have width set in % and you don't want to your element be too small.

    <div style="100%">
        <div style="width:30%;min-width:50px;"></div>

So if parent div will be to small, child will have at least 50px.

Or you can use it if div is dependent of parent window width. Min-width has higher priority than width and max-width.

  • max-width can be used in similar way.

  • width:100% is explained in details here: http://www.impressivewebs.com/width-100-percent-css/

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Kamil Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10
