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How to use MediaInfo with Amazon S3?

According to the MediaInfo ChangeLog, Amazon S3 support was added in v0.7.76 and even patched in v0.7.77 (latest).

However, I can't find any documentation on how to implement it. It's not in CLI help menu nor the SourceForge project pages. I was hoping someone here might have some insight as the SourceForge forum is closed off.

How do I craft a MediaInfo command to use Amazon S3 with Access Key & Secret Key? I'm using the CLI.

The closest thing I could find was someone's example Java code: http://fossies.org/linux/MediaInfo_CLI/MediaInfoLib/Source/Example/HowToUse_Dll.JNA.java

It looks like they're crafting a custom HTTP request to S3 and streaming the response to MediaInfo. I'm not sure. I don't know Java; I only know Bash, Ruby, PHP.

Has anyone successfully got MediaInfo working with S3; something like this?

mediainfo https://AWSAccessKeyId:[email protected]/bucketname/filename
like image 206
BoomShadow Avatar asked Sep 28 '15 22:09


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2 Answers

The Java example is an example about how to download with Java and send data to MediaInfo from Memory. Now MediaInfo has native support of S3. So just provide this URL.

The only issue is that you must have libcurl available and MediaInfo compiled with libcurl support. This is not already available on all platforms (e.g. on Windows you must put libcurl.dll from libcurl website in the same folder as mediainfo).

Better delivery of such support (with libcurl provided directly, and fully tested, on all platforms) is planned but there is no ETA.

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Jérôme Martinez Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10

Jérôme Martinez

Mediainfo executable can be built with libcurl on linux distribution using below commands: (I used centos)

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install libcurl-devel
yum install wget
wget http://mediaarea.net/download/binary/mediainfo/17.12/MediaInfo_CLI_17.12_GNU_FromSource.tar.xz
tar xvf MediaInfo_CLI_17.12_GNU_FromSource.tar.xz
cd MediaInfo_CLI_GNU_FromSource/
./CLI_Compile.sh --with-libcurl
cd MediaInfo/Project/GNU/CLI
./mediainfo --version

Then following command will provide media information for Amazon S3 url.

mediainfo --Output=XML https://AWSAccessKeyId:[email protected]/bucketname/filename

The above command won't work with AWS keys(filename) having special characters. By using pre-signed url, it is possible to use special characters in AWS Keys.

aws s3 presign 's3://bucketname/testing/mini & bar™©.mp4' 
mediainfo 'presignd url'
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Swati Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10
