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How to use mapActions with vue + Typescript class component?

I would like to know whats the correct way of using ...mapActions([]) within a Typescript vue class component.

this is how I do it:

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { mapActions } from "vuex";

export default class UsersAdd extends Vue {
  userName: string = "";

    ...mapActions(["newUser"]) /*mapAction from vuex */
  addUser() {
    console.log("...adding new user");

and as you can tell it's not working...

with Javascript I do it this way.


How can I do it with Typescript class component?

Edit: I have tried it this way, but it's still not working

  methods: {
    ...mapActions(["newUser"]) /*mapAction from vuex */
export default class UsersAdd extends Vue {
  userName: string = "";

  addUser() {
    console.log("...adding new user");
like image 835
Evan Avatar asked Feb 06 '20 16:02


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We can map actions in the store to the component in Typescript as this: The key is adding this someLoadDataAction!: () => any for static type check for Typescript. As an example, we have the function type defined as () => any, but you can change it to the actual return type from the action in your vuex store.

Video Answer

3 Answers

One other way could be to use custom decorator, which would replace a method in your component with a method from the vuex store.

function VuexAction(moduleName: string): any {
  return createDecorator((options: any, key: string) => {
    if (!options.methods) options.methods = {};
    options.methods[key] = function wrapperMethod(...args: any[]) {
      return this.$store._actions[`${moduleName}/${key}`][0](...args);

The decorator can be used like this:

export default class SomeComponent extends Vue {
  @VuexAction("vuexModuleName") vuexModuleActionName!: () => void;

  async doStuff () {

The idea is based on docs about custom decorators:


And a custom vuex getter decorator:


like image 65
Aivaras Čiurlionis Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10

Aivaras Čiurlionis

If you don't want to bring in yet another dependency (i.e. vuex-class). We can map actions in the store to the component in Typescript as this:

  computed: {
      someLoadDataAction: "someLoadDataAction"
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
  someLoadDataAction!: () => any;

  mounted() {

The key is adding this someLoadDataAction!: () => any for static type check for Typescript. As an example, we have the function type defined as () => any, but you can change it to the actual return type from the action in your vuex store.

like image 28
Yuchen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10


With help of Action annotation you can do this in that way. Installation npm install --save vuex-class

import { Action } from 'vuex-class'

export default class UsersAdd extends Vue {
  userName: string = "";

  newUser!: (newUser: string) => void
  addUser() {
    console.log("...adding new user");
like image 6
mflorczak Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10
