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How to use keywords in SVN (TortoiseSVN)

I can't do a document with the Keyword Substitution tool to have only a few data as: -Date -Revision -Author -HeadURL -Id

I'm doing a test but I can't implement the Keyword Substitution. I created a document Txt with the following information:

svn:keywords = Date Revision Author HeadURL Id

 $Id: $
 $Revision: $
 $Author: $
 $HeadURL: $
 $Date: $

I do not know whether it should be implemented in a txt file or in another format.

I am using TortoiseSVN and tools Subversion Edge.

like image 295
Jorge Rocha Avatar asked Jun 04 '13 11:06

Jorge Rocha

2 Answers

You've done half of what you need. Now you need to use svn propset to do the rest of it, as it shows in the documentation, about halfway down the page:

You've done this part:

For example, say you have a versioned file named weather.txt that looks like this:

Here is the latest report from the front lines.
Cumulus clouds are appearing more frequently as summer approaches.

Now you need to do the other half of it:

With no svn:keywords property set on that file, Subversion will do nothing special. Now, let's enable substitution of the LastChangedDate keyword.

$ svn propset svn:keywords "Date Author" weather.txt
property 'svn:keywords' set on 'weather.txt'

The easiest way to set these properties using TortoiseSVN is to right-click the file, choose TortoiseSVN->Properties from the pop-up menu, and then configure the properties there. You can find this info in the Project Settings page of the TortoiseSVN documentation; see SVN keywords roughly 2/3 of the way down the page. (There's no anchor provided, but you can search the page once you get there.)

like image 123
Ken White Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Ken White

So for example if you want Author, Date, Revision to be part of your SVN versioned file you have to add SVN Key propery to that file. So my initial file is called example.xls this is before the first commmit !!!

With content

$Rev::                      $:  Revision of last commit.
$Author::                   $:  Author of last commit.
$Date::                     $:  Date of last commit.
<abv:container xmlns:abv="http://my_org/odel/common">
    <abv:object xmln
  1. You have to set Keyword Substitution to your file, so for that purpose, if you are Tourtoise SVN user, right click on the file example.xsl

enter image description here

  1. The Choose New Keywords enter image description here

  2. Select Revision, Date, Author enter image description here

  3. So now when you commit that file unless the Comment <!-- SVN will add the needed values after the ::. So After commit the file will look like:

    $Rev:: 938                  $:  Revision of last commit.
    $Author:: Xelian            $:  Author of last commit.
    $Date:: 2016-07-11 11:21:26#$:  Date of last commit.
like image 37
Xelian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10
