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How to use Jquery contains?



I am looking at the jquery site at the contains selector.

$("div:contains('John')").css("text-decoration", "underline");

How can I make this so it takes a non hard-coded value in? I tried to do something like this

$("div:contains(" + name + ")") 

but that does not seem to work and is very messy. I am probably just missing some brace or something but is there a clean way that will work? Since even if I get this to work the next time I have to expand it will be the same problem again with have so many concatenations and stuff.

like image 697
chobo2 Avatar asked Sep 04 '09 23:09


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1 Answers

You're missing the quotes around the parameter.

$('div:contains("' + name + '")').css( ... );

I try to always use single quotes for string delimiters, and double quotes for actual quotes in strings when writing JS. Either way works, but being consistent helps reading the strings =)

like image 63
Tomas Aschan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10

Tomas Aschan