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How to use Java property files?

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What is the use of property files in Java?

The Properties file can be used in Java to externalize the configuration and to store the key-value pairs. The Properties. load() method of Properties class is convenient to load . properties file in the form of key-value pairs.

Where should the properties file in Java?

properties file inside your resource folder of the java project. The extension we use for the properties file is . properties.

You can pass an InputStream to the Property, so your file can pretty much be anywhere, and called anything.

Properties properties = new Properties();
try {
  properties.load(new FileInputStream("path/filename"));
} catch (IOException e) {

Iterate as:

for(String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
  String value = properties.getProperty(key);
  System.out.println(key + " => " + value);

  • You can store the file anywhere you like. If you want to keep it in your jar file, you'll want to use Class.getResourceAsStream() or ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() to access it. If it's on the file system it's slightly easier.

  • Any extension is fine, although .properties is more common in my experience

  • Load the file using Properties.load, passing in an InputStream or a StreamReader if you're using Java 6. (If you are using Java 6, I'd probably use UTF-8 and a Reader instead of the default ISO-8859-1 encoding for a stream.)

  • Iterate through it as you'd iterate through a normal Hashtable (which Properties derives from), e.g. using keySet(). Alternatively, you can use the enumeration returned by propertyNames().

If you put the properties file in the same package as class Foo, you can easily load it with

new Properties().load(Foo.class.getResourceAsStream("file.properties"))

Given that Properties extends Hashtable you can iterate over the values in the same manner as you would in a Hashtable.

If you use the *.properties extension you can get editor support, e.g. Eclipse has a properties file editor.

There are many ways to create and read properties files:

  1. Store the file in the same package.
  2. Recommend .properties extension however you can choose your own.
  3. Use theses classes located at java.util package => Properties, ListResourceBundle, ResourceBundle classes.
  4. To read properties, use iterator or enumerator or direct methods of Properties or java.lang.System class.

ResourceBundle class:

 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("prop"); // prop.properties

Properties class:

Properties ps = new Properties();
ps.Load(new java.io.FileInputStream("my.properties"));

This load the properties file:

Properties prop = new Properties();
InputStream stream = ...; //the stream to the file
try {
} finally {

I use to put the .properties file in a directory where I have all the configuration files, I do not put it together with the class that accesses it, but there are no restrictions here.

For the name... I use .properties for verbosity sake, I don't think you should name it .properties if you don't want.

Properties has become legacy. Preferences class is preferred to Properties.

A node in a hierarchical collection of preference data. This class allows applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. This data is stored persistently in an implementation-dependent backing store. Typical implementations include flat files, OS-specific registries, directory servers and SQL databases. The user of this class needn't be concerned with details of the backing store.

Unlike properties which are String based key-value pairs, The Preferences class has several methods used to get and put primitive data in the Preferences data store. We can use only the following types of data:

  1. String
  2. boolean
  3. double
  4. float
  5. int
  6. long
  7. byte array

To load the the properties file, either you can provide absolute path Or use getResourceAsStream() if the properties file is present in your classpath.

package com.mypack.test;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

public class PreferencesExample {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException {
        Preferences ps = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(PreferencesExample.class);
        // Load file object
        File fileObj = new File("d:\\data.xml");
        try {
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileObj);
            System.out.println("Get property1:"+ps.getInt("property1",10));

        } catch (Exception err) {

xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE preferences SYSTEM 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/preferences.dtd'>
<preferences EXTERNAL_XML_VERSION="1.0">
<root type="user">
<map />
<node name="com">
  <map />
  <node name="mypack">
    <map />
    <node name="test">
        <entry key="property1" value="80" />
        <entry key="property2" value="Red" />

Have a look at this article on internals of preferences store