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How to use ID or CLASS instead of using name in Bootstrap Validator

My goal is to validated field(s) that has a class name or Id using the bootstrap validator

Here is the example code :


<input id="myFirstId" class="myClass" type="text" name="myFirstName" />
<input id="mySecondId" class="myClass" type="text" name="myLastName" />



        fields : {
            myFirstName : {      
                validators : {
                    notEmpty : {
                        message : 'required'
            myLastName : {
                validators : {
                    notEmpty : {
                        message : 'required'

but i want a single block to validated those two element using bootstrap validator



        fields : {
            myClass : {      // <-- this is not working but i want to validate those
                             // object with has 'myClass' class.
                validators : {
                    notEmpty : {
                        message : 'required'
like image 505
Andoy Abarquez Avatar asked Nov 12 '14 09:11

Andoy Abarquez

1 Answers

See http://bootstrapvalidator.com/settings/#field-selector

You can use selector instead of name to use a class name:

    fields: {
        myClass: {
            selector: '.myClass',
            validators: {
                notEmpty: {
                    message: 'required'
like image 153
artm Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
