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How to use groupby in pandas to calculate a percentage / proportion total based on a criteria in another column

I'm trying to work out how to use the groupby function in pandas to work out the proportions of values per year with a given Yes/No criteria.

For example, I have a dataframe called names:

  Name  Number  Year   Sex Criteria
0  name1     789  1998  Male      N
1  name1     688  1999  Male      N
2  name1     639  2000  Male      N
3  name2     551  1998  Male      Y
4  name2     499  1999  Male      Y

I can use

namesgrouped = names.groupby(["Sex", "Year", "Criteria"]).sum()

to get:

Sex    Year      Criteria
Male   1998 N        14507
            Y         2308
       1999 N        14119
            Y         2331

and so on. I would like the 'Number Criteria' column to show the % of the total for each gender and year - so instead of N = 14507 and Y = 2308 for 1998 above I'd have N = 86.27% and Y = 13.73%.

Can anyone advise how to do this?

like image 567
fuzzy_logic_77 Avatar asked May 02 '16 17:05


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First, create a data frame as 'data_frame' and provide the values you need to calculate the cumulative sum, then pass the 'data_frame' parameter to pd. DataFrame() while specifying the column values, and finally, use the cumsum() and sum() built-in functions to calculate the cumulative percentage.

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1 Answers

This question is a direct extension of the suggested duplicate. Borrowing from the accepted answer, this will work:

In [46]: namesgrouped.groupby(level=[0, 1]).apply(lambda g: g / g.sum())
Sex  Year Criteria          
Male 1998 N         0.588806
          Y         0.411194
     1999 N         0.579612
          Y         0.420388
     2000 N         1.000000

Edit: a transform operation might be faster than apply:

namesgrouped / namesgrouped.groupby(level=[0, 1]).transform('sum')
like image 93
IanS Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11
