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How to use google analytics with HTML 5 History?

I'm using HTML 5 history for my site, so, for users whose browsers support it, clicking on a link doesn't reload the whole page, but just the main area.

Google analytics doesn't track these partial page loads. How can I get it to track it just like it does for users that don't have HTML 5 history support?

like image 979
Kyle Avatar asked Mar 15 '11 01:03


People also ask

How do I integrate Google Analytics into HTML?

Here's how you can add Google Analytics tracking code to your static website: Locate the JavaScript tracking-code snippet for your property, and then copy the entire snippet. Don't modify the snippet. Paste the complete snippet into the HTML on your web pages, right after the opening <head> HTML tag.

Does Google Analytics work on HTTP?

HTTP header is the most important thing for google analytics to generate reports about referral data. Whenever you see a spike in direct traffic, this might happen because of the missing referrer data. One of the important reason behind this is moving from secure (https) to non-secure (https).

Can Google Analytics track old data?

Historical Data Google Analytics will only process information from the moment you start tracking on your site. It can't access any historical data before you connect to Google Analytics. You can, however, use data import to combine data collected from other sources.

2 Answers

You just need to register the additional pageviews by calling the _trackPageview function again each time your new content loads. This is called a 'Virtual Pageview' but is registered in Google Analytics in the same way as a real one. To set the path of the page you need to add an additional parameter to the function:

        _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-X']);
        _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/new/content']);
like image 127
Ewan Heming Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Ewan Heming

This is for the newest Universal Tracking Code.

So recently, I had to revisit my own answer for a new project. I noticed some issues that I should clean up.

To send a pageview programmatically, you want to send only the Path and the Query eg. for http://example.com/path/to/resource?param=1 we will send /path/to/resource?param=1.

Some SPAs use HashBangs (#!) for their urls. So we need to send anything after the Hashbang. e.g. http://example.com#!path/to/resource we will send /path/to/resource?param=1.

The earlier version of my solution was erroneous and would fail for all urls which had a hash in the url. Also, as I was using jQuery + History.js plugin my solution was along of listening to statechange came from there.

Use this new code to send a pageview. It is more resilient and caters for both hashbangs and history.

    var loc = window.location,
        hashbang = "#!",
        bangIndex = location.href.indexOf(hashbang),
        page = bangIndex != -1 ? loc.href.substring(bangIndex).replace(hashbang, "/") : loc.pathname + loc.search;

    ga('send', 'pageview', page);

If you don't use Hashbangs specifically, simply change hashbang = "#!", to match e.g. hashbang = "#@",

The second part of this is detecting when the url changes. For this, you will need to find out from the docs of whatever library you are using.

For jQuery + History.js plugin, the code below works

$(window).on('statechange', function() {
    //put code here

More information can be found at https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/single-page-applications

$(window).on('statechange', function() {
    var loc = window.location,
    page = loc.hash ? loc.hash.substring(1) : loc.pathname + loc.search;
    ga('send', 'pageview', page);

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frostymarvelous Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
