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How to use getUserMedia from TypeScript



I'd like to call getUserMedia from TypeScript, something like:

 return  navigator.getUserMedia()

However, TypeScript's definition of Navigator (in lib.d.ts) doesn't contain getUserMedia. How do I work around? Should I be modifying lib.d.ts? Where do I make this change?

like image 963
Igor Dvorkin Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 08:11

Igor Dvorkin

2 Answers

Instead of changing the definition you can cast to an any object an call with arbitray parameters e.g:

    var n = <any>navigator;
    n.getUserMedia  = n.getUserMedia || n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia || n.msGetUserMedia;
    return  n.getUserMedia({video: true, audio:true}, onSuccess, onFail);
like image 67
Igor Dvorkin Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10

Igor Dvorkin

The current practice for this is to add to the interface, rather than edit the lib.d.ts file.

You can add to the interface in your TypeScript file and when the lib.d.ts is updated, the compiler will tell you that you no longer need it. I have put it extra white-space to make the different parts of the declaration easier to read and I've added a sample call below the interface.

interface Navigator {
        options: { video?: bool; audio?: bool; }, 
        success: (stream: any) => void, 
        error?: (error: string) => void
        ) : void;

    {video: true, audio: true}, 
    function (stream) {  },
    function (error) {  }

I would make this change in the class that uses getUserMedia. And I would try to restrict all usages of getUserMedia to that class.

like image 40
Fenton Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
