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How to use Firebase Authentication service and have user in our own database?

I have my own node.js server setup so I don't need Firebase storage and real-time database service. From the client side (mainly Android) I am trying to authenticate the user using Firebase Authentication service(G+ and FB login) but that creates users in firebase database. How can I create users in my database also?

Currently, I am simply sending user id created by Firebase to my server and saving it in DB and generating a JWT to validate subsequent REST API requests to my server.

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Praveena Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 20:11


People also ask

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1 Answers

Your client app will get back a Firebase JWT token after end users login with Google/Facebook. Whenever your app needs to send REST API requests to your server, just append the Firebase JWT token into the request body.

On your server, you first validate the Firebase token inside the incoming request. Once the JWT security check passes (signature, audience, expiration etc.), you can extract the 'sub' field (which is the user_id) in the token, and create a user record in your DB only if the user_id is not in DB yet.

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Jin Liu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Jin Liu