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how to use es6-promises with typescript?

I read this SO question but having trouble getting promises to work with typescript. Hopefully we can make a clear guide. This is for a server/node project. I'm actually using latest iojs, but targeting ES5 as output.

$ tsd query es6-promise --action install --save $ npm install --save es6-promise   // typescript code:  /// <reference path="../../typings/es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts"/>  var Promise = require("es6-promise").Promise; require('es6-promise').polyfill();  function test():Promise {     var p:Promise = new Promise();     return p; } 

this is giving the error:

Cannot find name 'Promise'. 

// alternatively:

var p = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {     resolve('a string'); });   //error=> Untyped function calls may not accept type arguments. 

What is the recommended way to return a Promise from your own node server side code?


  • https://www.npmjs.com/package/es6-promise

  • https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/es6-promise/es6-promise-commonjs-tests.ts

like image 746
dcsan Avatar asked Sep 05 '15 00:09


People also ask

Does TypeScript support native ES6 promises?

TypeScript supports asynchronous functions for machines that have native ES6 generators. In this way, TypeScript allows the usage of promises that are from native ES6. This will include the compatibility of native ES6 promises without setting the target to ES6. While using the above code, the Promise should exist in the runtime for sure.

What is a typescript promise?

TypeScript promise holds the future value either it will return success or gets rejected. You can see in the example below, how to define Promise, declare Promise with new operator instance and pass resolve and reject parameter within the inner function in the Promise object. A promise accepts callback function as a parameter.

What is an ES6 promise?

We'll start by looking at ES6 Promises, before heading on over to details about Fetch What is a Promise? Much like in the real world, a promise is the result of saying we will do something and give something back. Let's say we wanted to run this piece of code:

What is a promise in JavaScript?

For that, a simple promise is created below. Here, the promise is said to have the generic type of strings and basically performs two operations, resolve or reject. Our promise can be resolved or rejected which is carried out by the following piece of code which is known to be the callback.

2 Answers


import {Promise} from 'es6-promise'; const p: Promise<string> = new Promise (    (resolve: (str: string)=>void, reject: (str: string)=>void) => {       const a: string = "hello from Promise";       resolve(a);    }  ); p.then((st) => {   console.log(st); }); 


{     "compilerOptions": {         "target": "es3",         "module": "commonjs",         "declaration": false,         "noImplicitAny": false,         "noLib": false     },     "filesGlob": [         "./**/*.ts",         "!./node_modules/**/*.ts"     ],     "files": [         "./main.ts",         "./typings/es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts"     ] } 


#!/bin/sh npm install es6-promise tsd install es6-promise tsc node main.js 
like image 156
Ilya Kharlamov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Ilya Kharlamov

The following was on v2.1.1+ with the target set to es5

I was able to use Promises with async/await by installing es6-promise and then adding this to the top of the file:

global.Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; 

And this to tsconfig.json

"lib": [ "es2015.promise", "es5" ], 

Using the import { Promise } form did not work for me as other libraries were crashing (ex: axios)

like image 35
BrunoLM Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
