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How to use Eclipse to create released signed apk? [duplicate]

I have been a Java programmer/instructor since Java was Oak (which is the development name for Java).

Where can one find how to use eclipse to sign an app for release? I have found several how to docs/web sites, but not detailed enough for a newbie to this android world.

I have a screen that comes up that wants the Alias, organizational unit, etc... what are valid values for these entries?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Dean-O Avatar asked Aug 05 '10 16:08


People also ask

Which file is used to generate signed APK?

gradle file as recommended by Google is explained here. Basically, you add a signingConfig, in where you specify the location an password of the keystore. Then, in the release build type, refer to that signing configuration.

What is the benefit of creating a signed APK?

By signing multiple applications with the same certificate and using signature-based permissions checks, your applications can share code and data in a secure manner.

1 Answers

Right-click your project in Eclipse > Chose Android Tool > Export Signed Application Package...

This question has been answered before: here. You'll find more to read on developer.android.com

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Benny Skogberg Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Benny Skogberg