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How to use drag and drop functionality both columns and rows in my React Table - ReactJS

I have created a table in React Table. I want to add both drag and drop functionality on columns and rows. How can I do this?

Here is my CodeSandbox Sample - https://codesandbox.io/s/2wp7jk23kr

Here I have got a Code Sandbox for drag and drop rows - https://codesandbox.io/s/1844xzjvp7

Here I have got a Code Sandbox for drag and drop columns - https://codesandbox.io/s/5vxlnjrw1n

Being a beginner In React, I'm not able to integrate this three sandboxes. Can someone fork a good example on CodeSandbox on how to add both drag and drop functionality on columns and rows?

Please use my React Table data columns - https://codesandbox.io/s/2wp7jk23kr

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tommy123 Avatar asked Dec 17 '18 03:12


People also ask

How do you drag and drop table rows in react?

React Data Grid: Row Dragging. Row dragging is used to rearrange rows by dragging the row with the mouse. To enable row dragging, set the column property rowDrag on one (typically the first) column.

Does react support drag and drop?

The most common use cases for drag and drop in React include uploading files, moving items between multiple lists, and rearranging images and assets. In this tutorial, we'll focus on several different tools and use cases for implementing drag and drop in React.

1 Answers

It's not that hard to make it, but still no convenient way yet, I had a try and let's see the result in sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/quizzical-leakey-o5h8z

Then let's see what's going on in Table.js

1.When you start dragging, you do not know which direction it is going, so I just hide the snippet (by setting it to empty div)

2.When you first drag it into another cell I got to know the direction, and then lock the direction inside dragState.direction

3.When you drag it into an cell (including first time in step 2), you need to show the changed data, like rows = offsetIndex(dragState.row, dragState.dropIndex, rows), notice it is different depends on dragState.direction

4.We highlight the row/column we are dragging, with opacity: ....

5.Finally on dragEnd we notify parent component what have changed

It's not good enough yet, specially when the drag is cancled. So don't rely on these code too much, find your own way based on this idea

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Josh Lin Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 15:09

Josh Lin