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How to use dotnet highcharts dll to show HighCharts in MVC3?

I am trying a method to bind data to the Pie chart

  Public ActionResult Charts
      Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
        .InitChart(new Chart { PlotShadow = false })
        .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Browser market shares at a specific website, 2010" })
        .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ this.point.name +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }" })
        .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
            Pie = new PlotOptionsPie
                AllowPointSelect = true,
                Cursor = Cursors.Pointer,
                DataLabels = new PlotOptionsPieDataLabels
                    Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
                    ConnectorColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000"),
                    Formatter = "function() { return '<b>'+ this.point.name +'</b>: '+ this.percentage +' %'; }"
        .SetSeries(new Series
            Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
            Name = "Browser share",
            Data = new Data(new object[]
                                       new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
                                       new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
                                       new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
                                           Name = "Chrome",
                                           Y = 12.8,
                                           Sliced = true,
                                           Selected = true
                                       new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
                                       new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
                                       new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }

    public JsonResult GetData()
        int Param1;
        Param1 = 1;     
        var reports = db.ExecuteStoreQuery<ResourceReports>("ResourceReports @EmployeeID", new SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", Param1)).ToList();
        return Json(reports, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

i want to replace

    .SetSeries(new Series
        Type = ChartTypes.Pie,
        Name = "Browser share",
        Data = new Data(new object[]
                                       new object[] { "Firefox", 45.0 },
                                       new object[] { "IE", 26.8 },
                                       new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point
                                           Name = "Chrome",
                                           Y = 12.8,
                                           Sliced = true,
                                           Selected = true
                                       new object[] { "Safari", 8.5 },
                                       new object[] { "Opera", 6.2 },
                                       new object[] { "Others", 0.7 }

with my GetData() how can i do this,the Data in .SetSeries should be my returned data in GetData method

like image 368
SoftwareNerd Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 17:11


1 Answers

It appears you are using Dotnet.Highcharts. You could create a list of Series and a list of Point.

List<Series> mySeries = new List<Series>();
List<Point> myPoints = new List<Point>();

I would loop through each series you need to create and generate the point data like so:

myPoints.Add(new Point {
    X = (detailRec.RecordTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds,
    Y = detailRec.TotalCount

Then you could create the series itself using the list of points for its data like so:

mySeries.Add(new Series{
  Name = distinctDistrict.Name,
  Data = new Data(myPoints.ToArray())

Then to set the Series you could use the following statement:

.SetSeries(mySeries.Select(s => new Series { 
  Name = s.Name, 
  Data = s.Data 

If you use the object browser in Visual Studio, you can see the other properties and methods of the Series and Point class. To use the above code you will have to include the the following using statements:

using DotNet.Highcharts;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Enums;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Helpers;
using DotNet.Highcharts.Options;
using Point = DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Point;
like image 117
Tommy Johnson Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11

Tommy Johnson