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How to use Distinct function in influxDB

I am using influx DB and issuing command,

SELECT * FROM interface

Below is the out put-

time                              element                path                                       value
2016-08-24T21:22:16.7080877Z    "link-layer-address0"   "key:/arp-information/link-layer-address0"  "3c:61:04:48:df:91"
2016-08-24T21:22:17.9090527Z    "link-layer-address0"   "key:/arp-information/link-layer-address0"  "3c:61:04:48:df:92"
2016-08-24T21:22:19.8584133Z    "link-layer-address1"   "key:/arp-information/link-layer-address1"  "3c:61:04:48:df:97"
2016-08-24T21:22:20.3377847Z    "link-layer-address2"   "key:/arp-information/link-layer-address2"  "3c:61:04:48:df:90"

When issue command it works fine.

SELECT distinct(value) FROM interface 

But When issue command for path column there is no out put. Wondering what i am missing?

SELECT distinct(path) FROM interface 
like image 817
Ammad Avatar asked Aug 29 '16 23:08


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2 Answers

There is SHOW TAG VALUES WITH key = path that one can use to get unique Tag values

like image 138
Alexander Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


There is a way of solving this by using double SELECT statement:

> select distinct("tag1") from (select "field1", "tag1" from foo)

The inner query returns field1 and tag1 which can be queried outside like normal fields for which you can apply distinct().

Hope it helps. Cosmo.

like image 22
Cosmo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
