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how to use direction angle and speed to calculate next time's latitude and longitude

I have know my current position({lat:x,lon:y}) and I know my speed and direction angle; How to predict next position at next time?

like image 719
jtyjty99999 Avatar asked Oct 14 '13 03:10


People also ask

How do you find the time between two latitude and longitude?

The time difference between each longitude (each degree) is 4 minutes. So if it is 12 noon at Greenwich (0 degree), it would be 12:04 pm at 1 degree meridian and so on. In India, the standard meridian is 82-and-half degree.

How do you find the latitude and longitude of an angle?

latitude of second point = la2 = asin(sin la1 * cos Ad + cos la1 * sin Ad * cos θ), and. longitude of second point = lo2 = lo1 + atan2(sin θ * sin Ad * cos la1 , cos Ad – sin la1 * sin la2)

How do you write degrees minutes seconds in latitude and longitude?

Start with your line of latitude, writing the degrees, then the minutes, then the seconds. Then, add the North or South as the direction. Then, write a comma followed by your line of longitude in degrees, then minutes, then seconds. Then, add East or West as the direction.

1 Answers

First, calculate the distance you will travel based on your current speed and your known time interval ("next time"):

distance = speed * time

Then you can use this formula to calculate your new position (lat2/lon2):

lat2 =asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d)+cos(lat1)*sin(d)*cos(tc))
lon2=mod( lon1-dlon +pi,2*pi )-pi

For an implementation in Javascript, see the function LatLon.prototype.destinationPoint on this page

Update for those wishing a more fleshed-out implementation of the above, here it is in Javascript:

  * Returns the destination point from a given point, having travelled the given distance
  * on the given initial bearing.
  * @param   {number} lat - initial latitude in decimal degrees (eg. 50.123)
  * @param   {number} lon - initial longitude in decimal degrees (e.g. -4.321)
  * @param   {number} distance - Distance travelled (metres).
  * @param   {number} bearing - Initial bearing (in degrees from north).
  * @returns {array} destination point as [latitude,longitude] (e.g. [50.123, -4.321])
  * @example
  *     var p = destinationPoint(51.4778, -0.0015, 7794, 300.7); // 51.5135°N, 000.0983°W
  function destinationPoint(lat, lon, distance, bearing) {
     var radius = 6371e3; // (Mean) radius of earth

     var toRadians = function(v) { return v * Math.PI / 180; };
     var toDegrees = function(v) { return v * 180 / Math.PI; };

     // sinφ2 = sinφ1·cosδ + cosφ1·sinδ·cosθ
     // tanΔλ = sinθ·sinδ·cosφ1 / cosδ−sinφ1·sinφ2
     // see mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52049.html for derivation

     var δ = Number(distance) / radius; // angular distance in radians
     var θ = toRadians(Number(bearing));

     var φ1 = toRadians(Number(lat));
     var λ1 = toRadians(Number(lon));

     var sinφ1 = Math.sin(φ1), cosφ1 = Math.cos(φ1);
     var sinδ = Math.sin(δ), cosδ = Math.cos(δ);
     var sinθ = Math.sin(θ), cosθ = Math.cos(θ);

     var sinφ2 = sinφ1*cosδ + cosφ1*sinδ*cosθ;
     var φ2 = Math.asin(sinφ2);
     var y = sinθ * sinδ * cosφ1;
     var x = cosδ - sinφ1 * sinφ2;
     var λ2 = λ1 + Math.atan2(y, x);

     return [toDegrees(φ2), (toDegrees(λ2)+540)%360-180]; // normalise to −180..+180°
like image 101
DaveAlden Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10
