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How to use data attributes with Material Design React?

I recently started using Material Design React, but I have just come across that data-someField does propagate the value to the dataset map.


<Input data-role=‘someValue’  onChange={this.onChange} />

onChange = e =>{
           const role = e.target.dataset.role
            const role2 = e.currentTarget.dataset.role

Both roles in the onChange handler are undefined. This doesn’t happen if I change the Input tag to a regular html input.

Any ideas why Material Design doesn’t allow data attributes or if there is any workarounds?

Thank you in advance!

--- After @Springer suggestion, I tried using the inputprops, but noticed that only the name attribute is available, the rest are undefined.

```  <Input
                      name: 'MyName',
                      role: 'MyRole',

                      dataset: {
                        degree: 'Teniente'

                      data: {
                        roleId: role.uuid
                      dataRoleId: {
                        roleId: role.uuid
                  /> ```
like image 996
Antuan Avatar asked Mar 02 '19 17:03


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1 Answers

In the react material api they use the inputProps to pass extrat object (props , data..)

see doc

inputProps : Attributes applied to the input element.

by example to add role data attribute you should add to your inputProps props the data-role options ( 'data-role':'roleAttrib' ), the input should looks like :

<Input   value={role.name}
            name: 'MyName',
            'data-role':'role' // <------- add data attribute like this
         }} />

same thing for other component Except <Button> you add the data attribute directly in component like

<Button  data-your-attrib="value" />
like image 124
Spring Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
