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how to use customs fonts in emails or email templates


how to use customs fonts in emails or email templates Why we cant use custom fonts in emails, why @font-face style is not supported by most of the mail providers

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Akhilraj N S Avatar asked Nov 21 '12 03:11

Akhilraj N S

People also ask

How do I use font family in email template?

You cant do it. gmail, hotmail, outlook, etc blocks external fonts for security reasons. its because of this that mails are normaly build with images and not 100% text. if you dont want to use images, you have to use safe fonts (fonts that exist in all operating systems).

Can you use fonts in email?

Web safe fonts are what you're most likely using in your emails right now. Fonts such as Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman, and Courier are considered web safe fonts that can be used for live text in email because they're the default fonts that are found on different computers, devices, and operating systems.

2 Answers

Simply put.. you can't. Or rather, you shouldn't due to lack of support.

The only way to use custom fonts is by creating images for the text. That may or may not be feasible depending upon the amount of text.

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Scott Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10


While the answer above may have been true up until now. Looks like the answer may be changing.

Good email marketing design is about graceful degradation. While some major email clients do not support web fonts, some do... including clients on mobile devices. If your willing to make sure that your fall back fonts do not break your design in an unacceptable way then campaign monitor has a great article about the state of support for different clients and best practices.


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Jon Smith Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Jon Smith