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How to use currying to create HoC in React and connect to the Redux store at the same time?

I'm using React and Redux with react-redux, and I'm creating in React a High order Component that I want to connect to the Redux store, like this:

const HoC = parameter => WrappedComponent => 
    return class WithSelected extends Component {

    // ..some use of 'parameter'

    render() { 

         return <WrappedComponent />



  const exportComponent = compose(

 export default exportComponent;


import Component from '../Component'
import exportComponent from '../file'

const componentToExport = exportComponent('someValue')(Component);

Now, this approach gives this error:

TypeError: Object(...) is not a function

Btw if I don't use currying creating the Hoc, it works, like this:

const HoC = (parameter, WrappedComponent)  => [etc]


import Component from '../Component'
import exportComponent from '../file'

const componentToExport = exportComponent('someValue', Component);

It works. But how can I use currying creating HoC in React and use Redux at the same time?

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AmintaCode Avatar asked Nov 20 '19 18:11


1 Answers

There is nothing wrong with currying an HOC. The following is a valid high order component

const withHoc = param => Component => props =>{
  return <Component {...props} foo={param} />

Your problem is compose. Your right-most argument which will provide the signature for the resulting composed function is actually evaluating to another HOC not the component itself.

You should connect the returned component

const HoC = parameter => WrappedComponent => connect(...)(props =>{

Returning a class based component is the same as returning a functional one

const HoC = parameter => WrappedComponent => connect(...)(class X extends Component{
    render(){ return <div /> }

Just isn't that pretty though

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Dupocas Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
