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How to use aspnet_regsql.exe

I'm having problems Creating Users in a Silverlight Business Application that uses the Local IIS Web Server.

If I use the Visual Studio Development Server I have no problems, but once I check "Use Local IIS Web Server" in the properties page and run the application, whenever I try to create a new user using "login->Register now" I get an "Unable to connect to SQL Server" error.

I found a similar problem as mine and the solution was to use aspnet_regsql in the command prompt.

If I have to use this tool, then I don't know how to use it:

aspnet_regsql.exe -S DBServerName -U DBLogin -P DBPassword -A all -d DBName

What should I enter in these parameters:

DBServerName: I guess it's ".\sqlexpress"

DBLogin and DBPassword: Kind of a login and password for the database?

DBName: If I'm not using any particular database, then what?

Please, what should I do here?

like image 262
Rafael Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 16:02


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1 Answers

Navigate to the wizard(C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework[framework version]\aspnet_regsql) and launch it , you will be able to see a form appear and you can enter details here rather than using the command prompt.

Also within VS , from top menu select WEBSITE -> ASP.Net Configuration you should be able to see all your user and role details (you can tst the connectivity as this will pull of data based on your web.config/app.config settings)

like image 135
Waqar Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
