I've rephrased my earlier question substantially for clarity. Per Ryan's suggestion on a separate channel, numpy.digitize looks is the right tool for my goal.
I have of an xarray.DataArray of shape x, y, and time. I've trying to puzzle out what values I should supply to the apply_ufunc
function's 'input_core_dims' and 'output_core_dims' arguments in order to apply numpy.digitize
to each image in the time series.
Intuitively, I want the output dimensions to be ['time', 'x', 'y']. I think the input core dimensions should be x
and y
since I want to broadcast the numpy.digitize
function along the time dimension. However this doesn't work. I have my correct result by applying numpy.digitize to the first numpy array in my time series:
<xarray.DataArray 'reflectance' (time: 44, y: 1082, x: 1084)>
dask.array<shape=(44, 1082, 1084), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(44, 1082, 1084)>
band int64 1
* y (y) float64 9.705e+05 9.705e+05 9.705e+05 ... 9.673e+05 9.672e+05
* x (x) float64 4.889e+05 4.889e+05 4.889e+05 ... 4.922e+05 4.922e+05
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-10-12 2018-10-16 ... 2019-05-26
transform: (3.0, 0.0, 488907.0, 0.0, -3.0, 970494.0)
crs: +init=epsg:32630
res: (3.0, 3.0)
is_tiled: 1
nodatavals: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
scales: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
offsets: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#correct result
np.digitize(np.array(blues[0]), bin_arr)
array([[14, 15, 15, ..., 16, 17, 16],
[14, 13, 14, ..., 16, 16, 15],
[15, 14, 15, ..., 16, 16, 15],
[16, 18, 18, ..., 15, 16, 15],
[17, 18, 18, ..., 16, 17, 16],
[17, 17, 17, ..., 17, 18, 17]])
But my understanding of apply_ufunc
is not correct. changing the input_core_dims to be [['x','y']] or ['time'] does not produce the correct digitized result
bin_arr = np.linspace(configs.rmin, configs.rmax, 50)
blues = t_series['reflectance'].sel(band=1).chunk({'time':-1})
result = xr.apply_ufunc(partial(np.digitize, bins=bin_arr), blues, input_core_dims=[['time']], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[blues.dtype])
#wrong values, correct shape
array([[14, 16, 15, ..., 48, 18, 15],
[15, 16, 16, ..., 49, 18, 15],
[15, 16, 16, ..., 49, 18, 14],
[16, 21, 17, ..., 50, 19, 15],
[17, 21, 17, ..., 50, 19, 16],
[16, 21, 18, ..., 50, 20, 17]])
bin_arr = np.linspace(configs.rmin, configs.rmax, 50)
blues = t_series['reflectance'].sel(band=1).chunk({'time':-1})
result = xr.apply_ufunc(partial(np.digitize, bins=bin_arr), blues, input_core_dims=[['x','y']], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[blues.dtype])
#wrong values, correct shape
array([[14, 14, 15, ..., 16, 17, 17],
[15, 13, 14, ..., 18, 18, 17],
[15, 14, 15, ..., 18, 18, 17],
[16, 16, 16, ..., 15, 16, 17],
[17, 16, 16, ..., 16, 17, 18],
[16, 15, 15, ..., 15, 16, 17]])
Each of these results is of the correct shape but the wrong values, meaning the digitize function is being applied to the wrong axis and the result is reshaped to the shape of the input.
What's also strange is that the result of apply_ufunc
drops the input_core_dim when displaying as an xarray. but internally, when you convert it to a numpy array, the dimension is still there
<xarray.DataArray 'reflectance' (y: 1082, x: 1084)>
dask.array<shape=(1082, 1084), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(1082, 1084)>
band int64 1
* y (y) float64 9.705e+05 9.705e+05 9.705e+05 ... 9.673e+05 9.672e+05
* x (x) float64 4.889e+05 4.889e+05 4.889e+05 ... 4.922e+05 4.922e+05
# the shape of the xarray and numpy array do not match after apply_ufunc
(1082, 1084, 44)
additionally, when I try to specify the output_core_dims argument to be [['time', 'x', 'y']]
to correct this, I get an error, it looks like you can't have a dimension be both an input core dimension and an output core dimension
bin_arr = np.linspace(configs.rmin, configs.rmax, 50)
blues = t_series['reflectance'].sel(band=1).chunk({'time':-1})
result = xr.apply_ufunc(partial(np.digitize, bins=bin_arr), blues, input_core_dims=[['time']], output_core_dims=[['time','x','y']], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[blues.dtype])
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
5 bin_arr = np.linspace(configs.rmin, configs.rmax, 50)
6 blues = t_series['reflectance'].sel(band=1).chunk({'time':-1})
----> 7 result = xr.apply_ufunc(partial(np.digitize, bins=bin_arr), blues, input_core_dims=[['time']], output_core_dims=[['time','x','y']], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[blues.dtype])
~/miniconda3/envs/pyatsa/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/computation.py in apply_ufunc(func, input_core_dims, output_core_dims, exclude_dims, vectorize, join, dataset_join, dataset_fill_value, keep_attrs, kwargs, dask, output_dtypes, output_sizes, *args)
967 join=join,
968 exclude_dims=exclude_dims,
--> 969 keep_attrs=keep_attrs)
970 elif any(isinstance(a, Variable) for a in args):
971 return variables_vfunc(*args)
~/miniconda3/envs/pyatsa/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/computation.py in apply_dataarray_vfunc(func, signature, join, exclude_dims, keep_attrs, *args)
216 data_vars = [getattr(a, 'variable', a) for a in args]
--> 217 result_var = func(*data_vars)
219 if signature.num_outputs > 1:
~/miniconda3/envs/pyatsa/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/computation.py in apply_variable_ufunc(func, signature, exclude_dims, dask, output_dtypes, output_sizes, keep_attrs, *args)
539 if isinstance(arg, Variable)
540 else arg
--> 541 for arg, core_dims in zip(args, signature.input_core_dims)]
543 if any(isinstance(array, dask_array_type) for array in input_data):
~/miniconda3/envs/pyatsa/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/computation.py in (.0)
539 if isinstance(arg, Variable)
540 else arg
--> 541 for arg, core_dims in zip(args, signature.input_core_dims)]
543 if any(isinstance(array, dask_array_type) for array in input_data):
~/miniconda3/envs/pyatsa/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/computation.py in broadcast_compat_data(variable, broadcast_dims, core_dims)
493 'dimensions %r on an input variable: these are core '
494 'dimensions on other input or output variables'
--> 495 % unexpected_dims)
497 # for consistency with numpy, keep broadcast dimensions to the left
ValueError: operand to apply_ufunc encountered unexpected dimensions ['y', 'x'] on an input variable: these are core dimensions on other input or output variables
Any help is greatly appreciated, I'd like to understand how I'm misusing the input_core_dim and output_core_dim arguments.
This solution no longer applies how that the question has been edited!
You might want to consider the new xhistogram package.
Xhistogram makes it easier to calculate flexible, complex histograms with multi-dimensional data. It integrates (optionally) with Dask, in order to scale up to very large datasets and with Xarray, in order to consume and produce labelled, annotated data structures. It is useful for a wide range of scientific tasks.
It is designed to solve the exact sort of problem you are facing.
from xhistogram.xarray import histogram
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
# create example image timeseries
ny, nx = 100, 100
nt = 44
data_arr = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(nt,ny,nx),
dims=['time', 'y', 'x'],
name='blue reflectance')
# calculate histogram over spatial dimensions
rmin, rmax, nbins = -4, 4, 50
bin_arr = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, nbins)
histogram(data_arr, bins=[bin_arr], dim=['x','y'])
The output looks like:
<xarray.DataArray 'histogram_blue reflectance' (time: 44, blue reflectance_bin: 49)>
array([[0, 0, 3, ..., 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, ..., 3, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, ..., 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 3, ..., 0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 3, ..., 2, 0, 1]])
* blue reflectance_bin (blue reflectance_bin) float64 -3.918 -3.755 ... 3.918
Dimensions without coordinates: time
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