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how to use apiReources method with `only`?

I'm creating an api with Laravel and I am looking for an easy lazy way to to register Api resources. I'm currently defining my routes like this:

Route::apiResource('categories', 'CategoryController')->only(['index', 'show']);

I checked Laravel's controller documentation and I saw apiResources method which I can create multiple api resources at once.

the goal: is to be able to use apiResources with only method like this

Route::apiResources(['categories' => 'CategoryController', 'products' => 'ProductController'])->only(['index', 'show']);

current result:

Call to a member function only() on null

like image 208
Roduan Avatar asked May 30 '20 08:05


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1 Answers

long story short (if you don't want to read the whole story) you can just do it like this:

Route::apiResources(['brands' => 'BrandController', 'categories' => 'CategoryController'], ['only' => ['index', 'show']]);

When I was writing the question it passed to my mind to check the apiResources declaration and I found this:

     * Register an array of API resource controllers.
     * @param  array  $resources
     * @param  array  $options
     * @return void
    public function apiResources(array $resources, array $options = [])
        foreach ($resources as $name => $controller) {
            $this->apiResource($name, $controller, $options);

and since it is using apiResource under the hood and it is passing options parameter I can check what are these options

 * Route an API resource to a controller.
 * @param  string  $name
 * @param  string  $controller
 * @param  array  $options
 * @return \Illuminate\Routing\PendingResourceRegistration
public function apiResource($name, $controller, array $options = [])
    $only = ['index', 'show', 'store', 'update', 'destroy'];

    if (isset($options['except'])) {
        $only = array_diff($only, (array) $options['except']);

    return $this->resource($name, $controller, array_merge([
        'only' => $only,
    ], $options));
like image 199
Roduan Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
