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How to use AND OR operator in hibernate Detached criteria query



I have a requirement to use AND/OR operator to hibernate detached criteria queries. I want to emulate SQL eqivalent to:

Select * from myTable where city in ( X, Y ) OR city in (A,B);  

// Note i need to use multiple 'In' here

How to create citeria query to use 'OR' operator.

Something like

DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(

Unfortunatly there is no OR method in criteria , only add there.

Thanks in advance

like image 809
Alexs Avatar asked Nov 25 '10 22:11


People also ask

How do I create a criteria query in Hibernate?

The Hibernate Session interface provides createCriteria() method, which can be used to create a Criteria object that returns instances of the persistence object's class when your application executes a criteria query.

How do you put restrictions in criteria query?

Syntax of createCriteria() method of Session interface public Criteria add(Criterion c) is used to add restrictions. public Criteria addOrder(Order o) specifies ordering. public Criteria setFirstResult(int firstResult) specifies the first number of record to be retreived.

Can you explain criteria in Hibernate?

In Hibernate, the Criteria API helps us build criteria query objects dynamically. Criteria is a another technique of data retrieval apart from HQL and native SQL queries. The primary advantage of the Criteria API is that it is intuitively designed to manipulate data without using any hard-coded SQL statements.

2 Answers

Use Restrictions.conjunction() and Restrictions.disjunction() to create the hierarchy of conditions.

Look here - section 15.2 and here


I suppose that your code Property.forName("city").in(X,Y)) is correct ( I don't remember this clausule )

DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(
       .add( Property.forName("city").in(X,Y) )
       .add(Property.forName("city").in(X,Y)  )
like image 184
Gaim Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


Do the following steps:

Step-1.0: Create Query Criteria

Criteria myQueryCrit = session.createCriteria(XYZ.class, "xyz");

Step-2.0: For Handling OR conditions of Query:

2.1) First you need to create Disjunction object, say, myQueryDisjunc.

Disjunction myQueryDisjunc = Restrictions.disjunction();

2.2) Then create the All OR Criterion objects. Like:

Criterion xyzName = Restrictions.ilike("xyz.name", "%"+searchStr1+"%", MatchMode.ANYWHERE);

Criterion xyzSpeciality = Restrictions.ilike("xyz.specs", "%"+searchStr1+"%", MatchMode.ANYWHERE);

Criterion xyzServices = Restrictions.ilike("xyz.services", "%"+searchStr1+"%", MatchMode.ANYWHERE);

2.3) Adding all OR Criterions object into myQueryDisjunc




Step-3.0: For Handling AND conditions of Query:

3.1) First you need to create Conjunction object, say, myQueryConjunc.

Conjunction myQueryConjunc = Restrictions.conjunction();

3.2) Then create the All AND Criterion objects. Like:

Criterion xyzLoc = Restrictions.ilike("xyz.locStr", "%"+searchStr2+"%", MatchMode.ANYWHERE);

Criterion xyzZip = Restrictions.ilike("xyz.zipStr", "%"+searchStr3+"%", MatchMode.ANYWHERE);

3.3) Adding all AND Criterions object into myQueryConjunc



Step-4.0: Now add myQueryDisjunc, myQueryConjunc into myQueryCrit:


Step-5.0: Now add any Result Trnasformer if needed [ optional ]:


Step-6.0: Execute the myQueryCrit by, invoking list() on it.

List <myObj> allResults = myQueryCrit.list();

Step-7.0: Thats All.

like image 43
ArunDhwaj IIITH Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

ArunDhwaj IIITH