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How to use all features in rpart?

I'm using the rpart package for decision tree classification. I have a data frame with around 4000 features (columns). I want to use all features in rpart() for my model. How can I do that? Basically, rpart() will ask me to use the function in this way:

dt <- rpart(class ~ feature1 + feature2 + ....)

My features are words in documents so I have more than 4k features. Each feature is represented by a word. Is there any possibility to use all features without writing them?

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user3430235 Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 19:09


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Rpart is a powerful machine learning library in R that is used for building classification and regression trees. This library implements recursive partitioning and is very easy to use.

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The rpart( ) function trains a classification regression decision tree using the Gini index as its class purity metric. Since this algorithm is different from the information entropy computation used in C5.

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From the documentation for the rpart package: minbucket. the minimum number of observations in any terminal node.

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1 Answers

I figured it out:

dt <- rpart(class ~ ., data)

"." represents all features.

like image 132
user3430235 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
