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How to use a Provider in Ninject




I have the following code

public class Something {
    public Configuration config {get;set;} //singleton
    public Provider<WindowHandler> windowsProvider { get; set; } //NOT singleton

    public void Search(string text) {
        WindowHandler handler = windowsProvider.Create(xxxxxx);
        //use the new handler that was created

but it seems the Provider takes an IContext where I put xxxxxx. Shouldn't the IContext from when I bootstrapped and created Something.cs from the kernel be used. Where is the no parameter Create method on the Provider??? (I am coming from Guice land point of view where it would be coded like above).

so the question is How do I do this correctly?

thanks, Dean

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Dean Hiller Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 17:01

Dean Hiller

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1 Answers

It seems you are trying to use a provider as a factory in your code.

A provider in Ninject terms is a factory that is given to Ninject to create specially created objects. Therefore it gets the resolving context which can be used to create different instances depending where the instance in injected into.

public class FooProvider : Provider<IFoo>
    public override IFoo CreateInstance(IContext ctx)
        // add here your special IFoo creation code
        return new Foo();


What you want is a factory in your coder that creates an instance of WindowHandler. Therefore create an interface to create the instance like this:

public interface IWindowHandlerFactory
    WindowHandler Create();


Alternatively you can inject Func<WindowHandler> without adding a configuration. But this is less meaningful in my opinion.

NOTE: All this requires Ninject.Extensions.Factory available as prerelease 3.0.0-rc2 from Nuget.

See also: http://www.planetgeek.ch/2011/12/31/ninject-extensions-factory-introduction/

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Remo Gloor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Remo Gloor