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How to use a Laravel Nova Component in a Custom Nova Tool

I'd like to use the same loader as Laravel Nova uses when it's components are loading. I can't get it to compile. It never recognizes where to load the LoadingCard component from. Any help would be appreciated.

        <heading class="mb-6">Tax Calculator</heading>

        <loading-card :loading="loading" class="card relative overflow-hidden w-1/3">
            <div v-if="countries.length">
                <!--Make form-->

    import LoadingCard from 'laravel-nova'
    export default {
        mounted() {
            let vue = this;
                .then(response => {
                    vue.countries = response.data.countries;
                    vue.states = response.data.states;

    /* Scoped Styles */
like image 825
Cam Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 06:03


1 Answers

Figured it out. Apparently all the Nova built-in components are available globally. Didn't realize this. All I needed to do to get it to compile was remove the import statement. I modified the code as follows:

        <heading class="mb-6">Tax Calculator</heading>

        <loading-card :loading="loading" class="card relative overflow-hidden w-1/3">
            <!--Make form-->

    export default {
        mounted() {
            let vue = this;
                .then(response => {
                    vue.countries = response.data.countries;
                    vue.states = response.data.states;

    /* Scoped Styles */
like image 83
Cam Avatar answered Mar 26 '23 14:03
