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How to upgrade Visual Studio 2015 RC to RTM

According to the answers in this question, upgrading from RC to RTM is a supported and tested upgrade path. Now that VS 2015 RTM is out I want to do exactly that. However, I can't find out the interface menu to do it.

How do I upgrade Visual Studio Community 2015 RC to the RTM version?

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AndreySarafanov Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 23:07


1 Answers

I just did this today - I installed the RTM version of Visual Studio Community 2015.

All I had to do was download the installer file and it went through and updated everything to the RTM version. The only issue I had was missing Intellisense, so I had to close Visual Studio and run the ResetUserData flag. After I did that, Intellisense started working again.

Full Command (Start -> Run): devenv.exe /ResetUserData

This doesn't open VS, but it cleared the data and I was able to restart...a few compatibility checker errors popped up, but I'm back running. Customization are gone, but for me it's not a big deal to start fresh.

Update: For those also using ReSharper, I had to upgrade to the latest version (from 9.0 to 9.0 update 1) get it fully working. I ended up disabling it though as performance was suffering greatly. I will try investigating further later.

Update 2: I directed my coworker to update to the latest version, he received an error that he had a pre-release version of VS Web Express. We uninstalled the web express and we were able to continue.

Update 3: I'm no longer having any issues. I believe ReSharper pushed out another update and everything seems fairly smooth. ReSharper Version 9.1.3. There might be a few things here and there, but nothing that has been cause for me to regret upgrading. Pretty typical stuff. So far the reward has outweighed the risk. +1 to upgrade to VS 2015.

I've done this upgrade on two of my machines with no issues two of my own machines, and directed two other acquaintances to upgrade as well.

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Cody Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
